FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 09월 9일

It's not fair... I shouldn't have the symptoms of things that don't happen anymore. Maybe it never was PMS.. maybe I was always manic - depressive and prone to fluid retention. I dunno. My apology to the male readers. That's the end of the gal talk.

One of Cutty's old friends stopped by and lectured me about opening on Saturday's. Seems Saturday would be a better business day. All I heard was 'blah blah blah ditty blah'. How to explain ... or why should I even NEED to explain ... that I just spent the past 30 or so years of my life working 6 to 7 days a week and am now finding MYself before my own life ends? So, I just smiled and said, "Certainly something to consider" and held a smile on my face until he left. Inside I was feeling like:


Whew... what else?

Of course, my gratitude and appreciation for all those who visited and sided with me yesterday, LOL. I concede I probably write myself much nicer than I was that day especially considering I put Grace in the position of referee. Then again.. nah, enough of that. I've vented and moved on.

Eating.. much better. Sunday I went into fresh mode and picked up fruit & vegetables galore. This wasn't MY fridge drawer but had it been, I would have emptied it Saturday night.


So I filled it with good choices and enjoyed a wonderful spinach salad for dinner followed by sliced apple before bed. I also slow cooked a pork roast and watched Blondie eat half of it with her fingers last night before taking home a pear cobbler to her crew.

Catching up ... a couple of photos from the cabin weekend including the S'mores Birthday Cake made with waffles and the redneck decorations using rocks and leaves.


If I were better at converting video from my own camera to a gif ((and yes, I've been at several sites ... still working to hone the skill of it)) I'd send one of Mushy at the cabin. Must remember to get her some boots before the next 'camping trip' as my baby is like me, more accustomed to soft carpeted hotel halls. If I'd captioned the video of her gingerly walking on the rocks it would have read, 'Mommy... Someone Broke the Sidewalk...' Other than that she did okay, overdosed on the cabin full of affection, and slept for two days after. Trips tire her out. She's her Mommy's dog, alright.

I came across this the other day...


And with that, I think I'd better get outta here. I need to finish some things. The 'projects' aren't as formal as that word alludes. I'd upgraded Alec's tank with a heater, finished staining a glass door, things like that. I make it sound big. Just stuff I have to get done because my house was taking on a hoarder look with all these half started tasks.

So, as they say ... I am .. Outta here. I think that was SNL?



3명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Blame it on the Super Moon. It is a Super Moon and really people have been crazy the last two days, at least for me. My vendors acting like I OWE them something and work for them....oh lawd I almost lost it today. The table setting looks amazing!!!! 
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: jaime30024
You have had some "interesting" encounters lately, Angel! But you are taking the opportunity to fine tune how you handle them. Well done! xoxox (P.S. Love the "roughing it" birthday wishes!) 
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: Ruhu
Is there any reason you can think of that I shouldn't have the s'mores cake recipe??? I might need it. 
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: sharonfriz
WOW!! Cool cake and red-neck decorations.. I feel the same way about working weekends, don't want to do it anymore, I've put in my time...  
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: wholefoodnut
Cute candles on the cake! :) 
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: Deb_N
Very creative, all 'round. 
2014년 09월 9일 작성이: Sweet Ce
Love the cabin decor. Looking forward to more pics. And I'm with Jaime. I blame everything on the moon. 
2014년 09월 10일 작성이: Helewis
Thanks everyone - I think I too will just put 'Shame on the Moon' on in the background and the crazies sort themselves out. Yeah, those candles, LOL. I think someone asked a couple of journals back - and just now remembered to answer - we went to Beaver's Bend in Broken Bow OK. The S'mores cake was just Belgium Waffles with peanut butter (thinned with honey) and chocolate spread (again, thinned w/honey) and chopped up marshmallows and shaved Hershey bar all stacked together for one huge sticky mess once we tried to slice it ~ but still good. I used 'just add water' mix for the waffles and we discovered 15 seconds in the microwave really made it all rock. And calorie free. After all, if microwaving food should deplete the nutrients, I think we should accept it depletes the calories... Right? 
2014년 09월 10일 작성이: FullaBella



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