davidsprincess님의 저널, 2021년 11월 10일

Back to the gym but need to get the eating under control. I can do well all day and then a different me comes out around 7 p.m. and I feel like my day isn't complete without ruining it by eating 4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Not sure what is wrong with me. Last night when I felt hungry- I actually just ate tomatoes, cottage cheese and a hardboiled egg. I need to do that more often because peanut butter and me... it is ridiculous. I was a little disgusted with others for awhile- feeling very smug as my weight was dropping off when people would say they couldn't eat chips or sweets. I acted like-'what a sad life that you can't portion something out so you can still enjoy it without going overboard' and TA-DA- that's now me. I'll eat the whole bag or at least several portions until I don't want it anymore. I am back to where I can no longer trust myself to portion out anything. I am better off just not having it. Maybe one day I will do better. Nothing in my being wanted to have a little more cottage cheese or one more hard boiled egg. ha. It's that sweet combo that really gets me and it is so gross for me to say. I hate fat people and fat people mindsets- so slovenly and gross. Yet- here I am. Oh well. Maybe once I get a better handle on losing, I will get to that point again.
92.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 20.3 kg.    남은양: 2.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2021년 11월 10일:
1826 kcal 지방: 76.21g | 단백질: 73.14g | 탄수화물: 220.06g.   아침 식사: McDonald's Hash Brown, McDonald's Egg McMuffin. 점심 식사: Dannon Two Good Vanilla Greek Yogurt, Great Value Hard Boiled Eggs. 저녁 식사: Prairie Farms Dairy Large Curd Cottage Cheese, Lay's Wavy Original Potato Chips, Aunt Millie's Giant White Bread, Kraft 2% Milk American Cheese Singles, Oscar Mayer Olive Loaf Cold Cuts. 간식/기타: Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Cereal Bar - Strawberry, Sahara Burst Grape Juice, Sunkist Fruit Gummies (Less Sugar), Oreo Thin Bites Fudge Dipped. 더보기
주 0.1 kg 감소하기

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51중 1에서 20
I’ll keep praying DP. Your bio says something clicked. I pray it clicks again and you regain control. It’s really a choice. Simple, but not easy. I hope you get there soon. 💓 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: wifey9707
I’m always wondering if I can hold my shift together. I’ve been up lately, drinking and eating more than I was for the last 2 years. The habits keep pulling me both ways. Hopefully I’ve found a happy medium? Work those habits! You can do it!!! 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: love2educate
I hear you. Halloween candies have always got me. This year, I brought the whole mega bag to work and left it at the coffee area. It disappeared in a few days. But I did grab a few "fun size" treats, just not the usual "the whole mega bag" treat like years past. Let's hope you find the discipline to do it again. 👍 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: Tai_1-9
I feel your disgust same here with myself lately I feel like I'm going back to my same old ways and can't seem to pull myself out of it trying to eat my feelings away although I know this is not attainable I keep trying to the point where I create more problems to be sad about 😔 vicious cycle I'd say. But if we realize on time we still have a chance as long as we try we're winning. If we've done it before we can do it again keep trying😉 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: tr3vi28
Oh my goodness! Peanut butter is my trigger - once I start, I cannot stop with it. I can eat it with a spoon right out of the jar. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: larilyn
Dude it’s like you are reading my mind. Love you girl, we got this 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: KayBuckaroo
Try swapping out the sandwiches or snacks with a protein shake. I use musclepharm, I picked up a bag at Costco for $40. It taste just like a Wendy’s chocolate frosty. It’s a 140 calories with 25 grams of protein. Just a thought. You got this. The mind is a strong thing but you are stronger. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: JFarr73
i am right there with you, DP. my weakness is blister peanuts - and i can tear through 500 calories of it in 20 minutes. then halloween struck and i have been crushing some fun sized snickers to the tune of 5-10 when i say i will just have 1. crazy what some foods do to our minds and bodies. hang tough - you know the drill - we all just have to do it but also allow ourselves some space for treats.  
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: br_e_co
I feel the exact same way. I have such a snacking problem when I'm at home. I even try to do more filling foods throughout the day, but psychologically I "need" to eat. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: MzPants
Please, repeat to yourself (even if it sounds mushy, please?): “I am not disgusting. I am just struggling as any human being does every once in a while. I am worthy of love and self-care, and I will step by step regain confidence and strength.” 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
You're doing fine. Hang in there. You can have EVERYTHING, just not today, and not now. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: Healthy Old Pet Parent
This is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done. Every day is a struggle. Breakfast, lunch and dinner I do good. It's the snacking that's just kicking my ass. For me the worse thing is that I know better...I know better and yet I still do it.... I dunno why either.  
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: lettygaylor
things like sweets or chips in moderation never worked for me. they were always a trigger to a binge. some people can do it, for others it's a train wreck waiting to happen. we all see the post on here everyday. it's something we've all delt with. hoping you the best  
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: All_Pain_No_Gainz
I feel your pain but you can do it! So far so good for me. I work at a popular candy company (in the office) in my town and sweets are my weakness so far so good the last 9-10 weeks🙏🏻 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: Spencershae
I honestly believe that recognising the time and triggers of ‘non - hungry’ eating is a great step to managing it. And hopefully if you can not judge your character but recognise there is something in your physiology that drives it, you can not make it worse or see it as failure. I also struggle with late afternoons and with finding it hard to eat small portions of certain foods. Some strategies work but not always…keep going! 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: JanusWoman
Anything sweet/ salty puts me over the edge! My husband, bless his heart, bought me a bag of Hershey's chocolate nuggets. At first I was good and only ate 1 dark chocolate piece a day. Then it was 2, one dark chocolate, one milk chocolate. Then I put them in a candy dish and BAM it was over for me! I couldn't stop! Same with popcorn or pretzels. I can't just eat a handful. I just keep them out of my house, but then I don't have kids at home either.. The thing with pb&j is that it's so comforting. Maybe that's why you can't stop... I still believe and know you will get a handle on this. Today is a new day! 💜🙏 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: Diana 1234
Maybe you need more protein - I know I get about the same amount of protein that you are eating and you are in the gym working harder than I am so maybe it's a macro adjustment that you should look at. I am not an expert but I think you know someone who is! 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: abbadabba
I'm right there with you Princess, doing great all day, then at night my alter ego, Sally, takes over, and she doesn't give a fudge about self control. Then, come morning, I'm left to live with the regrets. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Ice cream is my crack. I can out-eat the BF and it is not pretty. I just don't keep it in the house. I can't really have sugar in the house either, certain times of the year. I've been ravenous at night lately, I think it's this time of year. Body wants to be putting on the layers of fat so I can sleep through the winter like a bear. Oddly enough, my watch told me I hit my sleep goal 5 days in a row this morning. That never happens in summer. You can do this, don't hate on yourself or I will instruct random people to run up and hug you. It can get awkward. You've been warned.  
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: Katsolo
I know what you mean. I used to "sabotage" myself as well. I realized that the trick for me was not necessarily to portion (although I do), but tell myself, I can have more tomorrow. I don't need to eat it all today and that works for me. 
2021년 11월 10일 작성이: rileygirl100



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