FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 06월 28일

I didn’t wake until 10am this morning. I cannot remember the last time I slept that long especially without alcohol involved. Ok, there was the one margarita last night at the Mystery Dinner Theater. I don’t think that was it. Just tired I guess. I dragged my bewildered self out to the deck and flipped thru the paper.

Eventually the two cups of coffee I absorbed kicked in and I was a woman on a mission. In the span of four hours I planted a hibiscus tree (from the pot into the ground), figured out how to assemble a sprayer (hoping vinegar DOES control the mosquito’s or whatever ELSE that invisible pest is out there stinging me), watered and pruned, changed the bed linens, cleaned the oven, vacuumed, cleaned toilets, emptied trash, dusted, and swept. Then I showered and went for a mani - pedi and had lunch out (baked ziti), and filled the gas tank in the event I get an urge to go wandering around later.

The Mystery Dinner - weird. The food was actually better than I’d anticipated and because it was late I was so too hungry I ate far too much. But sans the three main actors in the ‘theater’ the rest of the cast was made up from the audience. That sounds fun, right? No. It’s tedious, esp when about 75% of those folks couldn’t read their lines nor appeared to be even performing voluntarily. And no, I wasn’t even asked although I do (and did) a pretty good ‘GoodFellas’ voice on the way to the table (the theme setting was a speakeasy during prohibition). But, all in all, I’ve been to worse.

I’m struggling with eating lately. It’s a feast or famine sort of thing. One minute I’m genuinely hungry and the next minute I feel I’ve over eaten. I don’t think I’m eating ‘too much’ during the day but feeling a bit ‘out of balance’ when I am eating. I’ve gone back to basics. May even resume recording food. I just don’t know what’s going on. Working on it.

And that’s about it. Hope you’re having a good day and thank you for stopping to visit with me.

4명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Sounds like a productive day even with the late start. The GoodFellas voice must have been hilarious. I’m glad you had a decent time. Sometimes is just nice to get out of the house. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  
2014년 06월 28일 작성이: ChicaLean
Maybe you're letting yourself get too hungry, so you overeat when you do eat. That happens to me. I also eat faster when I'm really hungry and that leads to overeating too. Maybe you're feeling deprived - of food, or something else in your life. Tracking your food might help you gain back control over your eating habits. I know I'll always have to track, because I'll overeat if I don't - I love food and eating it :) It's good that you got some extra sleep. I haven't been able to get my 8 hours the last two nights. Feeling wired lately :/ 
2014년 06월 28일 작성이: ChristyLA
Bella, I can agree, if I go to a theatre I don't want to watch people from the audience attempt to perform, kinda like I don't want to watch karaoke with drunk people who sing like me (can't carry a tune to save my life). WOW!! You were a whirlwind before noon!! I'd never get all that done that quick. Eating late can contribute to eating too much. Maybe eat a snack before you go to something like that in the future.  
2014년 06월 28일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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