FullaBella님의 저널, 2014년 05월 29일

My little hiatus experiment includes conquering that concern of having trigger foods in the house. Trying to wrap my head around making the best choices for myself regardless of the surroundings. Or BECAUSE of the surroundings.

Last night I baked a can of pillsbury grands. LOVE those. Every night when I have my decaff coffee w/hot froth'd milk I think 'man, a nice biscuit with butter would be great here' but I wouldn't because 'ohh.. the carbs... ohhh.. the night snacking... ohh.. the indulgence... ohh..the added weight'

But I decided last night 'do it, see what happens.' So I ate two instead of one. Not perfect. But I didn't eat all eight as I'd thought I would. And that was even with leaving the rest out on the counter (in a bag for freshness but not stuffing them in the freezer behind everything else.)

Progress. One day at a time.

Roth’s book mentions there are two types of people - those who crave salt (chips) and those who crave sugar but rarely both. I’m in the salt group. I know this. That’s why I wanted the biscuit.. for the butter.

On the other hand - I realized this weekend as I gave myself permission to order the ‘gourmet fries’ at a restaurant it wasn’t the fries I wanted.. it was the catsup. The sugar in the tomatoes.

So what’s the answer? Go straight to the source on the next craving without using the whole bus as the vehicle?? Sit around with a stick of salted butter and a bottle of catsup? And mustard - another ‘salt’ satisfier. Peanut butter for the sugar and salt.

Or just have the biscuit and move on?

I’m making less of a production of my home meals. I know this goes against everything ‘mindful’ but I’m working on ‘eating when hungry’ and just satisfying that. One or two bites of something I’ve already prepared and is ready in the fridge.

I'm mindfully eating enough to not feel hungry but the whole sit down, plate and thing.. I feel I have worked on identifying true hunger for a while now. I have also worked portions and satisfying hunger mindfully. I AM paying attention to the wonderful Colossal Spanish Olive in my mouth .. tasting it, chewing it, thinking about it, as I fold clothes. I can do both.

And if I find a time where I am thinking ‘I want food’ but not feeling hungry .. I am addressing that. I didn’t even think about food yesterday until after 4pm. I’d just been busy with other things.

So that’s what’s going on with me. Thank you for your patience, care, and support as I work thru this next route on my path to a healthier life. I carry all of you with me throughout the day and think about you. And when I pray … you’re all on the list.


9명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Oh I am a salt eater too-I very occasionally want the sweets, but the majority of the time, oh yeah, gimme the salt, the cracker, the pickle, the tuna, the chips, the fries. I think the ketchup thing is the combination of sweet with salty, that keeps you coming back for more. Same with sea salt chocolate. I can't eat a whole lot of sweet at a time-the tiny little desserts in a shot glass that some restaurants have are perfect for me. (especially after a nice big plate of spicy jalapeno loaded nachos!)  
2014년 05월 30일 작성이: CollyMP
Sweet and salty is good, now and then. I bought a jar of black sesame and sea salt sushi seasoning just to try it, I do things like that. It's yummy, a bit different tasting. My daughter and I both like a bit straight out of the jar. I find a teaspoon or so will chase that I want something sweet or salty craving away. I get hungry for salty on days I work outside in the hot sun, I think my body actually salt then. A teaspoon of that seems seems to be an answer. It's almost empty, need to put that on my shopping list.  
2014년 05월 31일 작성이: wholefoodnut



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