FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 10월 1일

Second journal - a little brain activity going on here so I'm going to try to get something down in print. Little bells ringing in my head. Like, I totally missed the first day of Autumn. Maybe it's denial; hard to accept we're headed into Winter soon; I'm been enjoying my backyard far too much to give it up.

I was thinking about the Friday journal in combination with the article of my earlier journal today.

The thing is .. while it's a bit late in life to connect the two .. it's never 'too' late to change. It begins with ME. Today.

I'm going to work on being as open in real life as I am here. Not so much about the tragic things; more about the 'look what I've done for me lately' way. If people find me obnoxious and egotistical - so be it. I may scale back some. But if I want to be known for my painting, photography, philanthropy, compassion, weight loss, cooking, gardening, pet loving, good 'wifing', etc., it begins with me telling the world.

And at the end of it all, when it's all said and done and I have began to achieve room temperature, well, the story will be written by those who follow me. And much like I do with life now, they can take the parts of me they want and leave the rest. I can't control that.

Other little things slipping and need to be remembered. I forgot to journal about my monthly anniversary on 9/25; that was 13 months into this new way of life to eat, think and be healthy. I used to keep and add to the list of the small subtle changes but as time went on the changes seemed less noticeable so the focus on appreciating it has diminished. Shame on me for that.

Something as simple as getting out of the lounge chair, bending over, and pulling that blade of grass from between the boards of my deck the other day seemed like nothing. Then I remembered last Summer being upset because I'd asked the SD to pick up weed killer and she hadn't. Little things like bending over to pull the grass or standing long enough to go to the store to buy my own were too hard on me 100lbs ago.

I catch myself staring at the profile reflection of my stomach when I go into my bathroom; I guess I expect it to magically turn flat or something. Then I recall commenting on someone's journal elsewhere about 'obviously I like cheese more than I want to lose weight right now.' I'm sure giving that up would affect the scale. Then again, not if it causes me to eat more of something else because I miss my cheese. It's all still a learning process. But as long as my smallest size of pants don't get too tight, I'm doing just fine for now.

It occurred to me last night, catching my reflection in the plate glass window of my store, that my arms were full of bags from the grocery store. I only walk to the little market maybe once every other week. What happened to the daily, buy what I need as I need it? How easily I forget. Time to get back on track.

The Farmers Market has shut down until the Fall crops come in so that's less walking there too. I'm slipping back to a bad habit of less walking, more over shopping for food. Time to address it and correct it. Especially right now while the days are cool and comfortable.

Y'all have a good day now, ya hear?



Bella, Bella, Bella..You always make me think..and that's a good thing...I too notice a change in me..like I can work longer hours and my feet don't hurt as bad as they used to while shopping at Sam's..or when I bend over ..it doesn't push the breath out of me..etc...you know what I mean...I have only lost about 30 pounds..and only have about 5 or so to go...so be very proud of your self...I am...:O) 
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: BHA
THAT's what I call a journal entry.All about self...what you think,feel, remember,desire,etc. When it's all said & done it's "self" that we must be happy with. :) 
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: myawethinTICself
I agree with Bren Bella be proud of yourself. You have done so wonderful. I know what you mean about looking at your profile lol made me laugh to read it because I am not the only one.. read my comment on Evelyn's journal and you'll see what I mean....lol  
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: chattycathy1955
You have come so far & should announce it proudly & loudly.... And constantly remind yourself at all you've accomplished! You never cease to amaze, enlighten, amuse & educate me, and your journals always make me think and strive to be a better, healthier person. Xoxox 
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: Ruhu
These journals... always something to touch my soul. Bella. Blessings to you dear heart. Wow. Loving the belly issue. Once upon a time having had a 26" waist, it is difficult to look at the pouch and skin. Yikes, but you made me smile because I'm not the only one with the same physique. Loving the shares. Glen... exactly. Exposing the soul that was always there. And the mask. I wear one and truly have to ask who I've become over the years. I admit I've lost my true identity. Therefore, my quote at the end of my posts... "May I be free to be the me I came into this world to be". Still searching at 62.  
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: ClassicRocker
You're right, it's easy to slip back into some of the 'easy' routines - I'd like to know how long it takes to make new routines! Seems like just when I thought I really was getting the hang of this maintenance thing, boom - 7 pounds on that won't come off... It's definitely always a learning game, thanks for the reality check! I think it's great that you are going to be a little more loud and proud of your amazing life and everything you accomplish daily - I agree with your other buddies that we so very much enjoy living this life alongside you in your journals and finding a little more Bella'isms in our own daily life.. 
2013년 10월 1일 작성이: erika2633
Good Morning! Great journal. Once in a while I think I should have just kept my mouth shut when talking about my life - usually because I am telling someone that could care less about me and my life or even someone who will use it against me. But that is me. I have pretty much always been an open book - especially about my accomplishments. I put my race pictures on facebook and other flattering pictures. One of my good friends commented about another acquaintance that uses FaceBook that she uses FB to "self" publish and she didn't like it. My thinking on this is that is why they call it Face Book. I love being able to show my old and new friends how I am improving. Even when I was 243 lbs. I would find a flattering picture and post it there. It thrills me to see new photos of my family and friends too. I love that you will try to open up about you with your friends and family. It is a great release for me and also can help the lines of communication when everyone knows where each other is coming from. Even if it is an argument. Thanks for making me think this morning and helping me out of my fog.  
2013년 10월 2일 작성이: Neptunebch



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