FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 06월 8일

Saturday and Sunny! Definitely needed as I'm totally hormonal (easily weepy) today. I walked to the Farmers Market this morning and picked up a jar of homemade salsa and some small flowers for the terrariums I'm making. I planted the flowers before opening the shop. A lot of good business today but no one here now though so I'm munching on celery and some of that salsa.

I did make it to the fair last night. There were animals, crafts, rides, live bear shows, pig races and food but time and age has jaded me as it seems to have lost it's 'fair-like' tone and felt more like walking through an outdoor Atwoods (farmer store version of Home Depot but with clothes and furniture too) with a food court.

My step-daughter went with me. I felt a 100 years old when the kid on the midway told me the 'pop the balloon and win a prize' game was $5 for three darts. Holy Smoke! The bean counter in me went 'uh, for that little bear you can buy at the dollar store for 99 cents?' so the pushy deal making haggler in me negotiated my way into the 'big bear' before it was over. My step daughter laughed as it's the carney's job to con the visitor; not the other way around. On our way out of the fair I gave the prize to the only little girl I saw sitting calmly and behaving at picnic tables with her Mom & Grandmother. She was thrilled.

Food on a stick, hmmm. Is it for novelty or less paper waste? Seems if it's edible, it'll be sold on a stick. Reminded me of a Jeff Dunaway skit. I finally chose a good old fashioned corn dog - it was a toss up between that and 'cheesecake on a stick coated in chocolate' - and fresh lemonade. Klutz that I am I spilled the lemonade as soon as I sat down and only ate 1/4 of the corndog; it just really didn't taste that good - words I've never uttered about a corn dog in my life. But I'd had an outdoor grilled New York strip with spinach at home (on a plate, not a stick) before going to the fair. Tough competition.

That's about it. Hope you are all having a great Saturday too.


Wow, funny how the corn dog didn't live up to its memory. I'm impressed that you were able to haggle your way to a larger bear and think it was oh, so lovely of you to give it to an unsuspecting little girl afterward. Bravo! 
2013년 06월 8일 작성이: evelyn64
Food on a stick. Haha Bella. I'm convinced no food in our memories live up to our expectation. Lovely about your gift to the little girl behaving. Your such a good person. glad you gad your time at the fair. We don't have much of that in the big city. 
2013년 06월 8일 작성이: Helewis
Oh no you sound like me..I am getting to where I just don't enjoy all the hoopla of days gone by..used to love the carniaval when it was in town..I bet that little girl was tickled to get that prize..that was sweet of you to do so..But I think your a special person any way...Have really enjoyed gettng to know you...Hope your Sunday is a good one..:O) 
2013년 06월 8일 작성이: BHA
lol I haven't been to the fair in forever. I did use to love it but my favorite parts were the food..lol and the shopping...I never was one to play those games..lol they were always a rip off... How nice of you to give that prize away...that probably made you happier than winning it did...just to see the smile of delight in her face!! How wonderful and heartwarming! 
2013년 06월 9일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Sounds like you had a good time! 
2013년 06월 9일 작성이: Savaticus
I want the video of the haggle down to get the big bear. Pretty awesome to have the power to pitch the corn dog. Bravo! Sounds like a very fun evening : ) good idea to have the strip and spinach at home first. 
2013년 06월 10일 작성이: sharonfriz
Sorry the fair wasn't as much as you remember, I find that happens a lot unfortunately. Great job on throwing away lousy food. I am sure you had good memories attached to the 'dog' and you can keep those just now the lousy food. And congrats on winning the bear, and sweet that you passed it on.  
2013년 06월 10일 작성이: sarahsmum
Thanks everyone - I did have a good time and enjoyed the walking but then I have no life, LOL. Crazy that I'm still craving a corn dog after it fell short of expectations though. Weird. @Sharon - sorry - no video of the bear haggle. The dialogue consisted of a lot of 'Come on, Lady .. give me a break' and 'Kiddo.. I don't NEED a little bear... it's the big one or nothing... ' I negotiate for a living; when it's nothing I really want or need like a dart-bear at a fair, I figure I've got nothing to lose. Sometimes it works esp in a free market like that. Giving it away actually brought me more happiness than winning it.  
2013년 06월 10일 작성이: FullaBella
You have no life??? I love your life! There seems to be so many facets to it. Family, customers, art and markets! And your writing makes it all so real to me. As I finish your weeks worth of journals and I wrote none. It would make a difference if I could put more into words. Now to do the dishes since DH is too tired to do them. Like I'm not tired. I read your journals backwards and bitched in most of my comments. Just ignore me. :) 
2013년 06월 13일 작성이: Neptunebch



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