FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 05월 1일

Aristotle: “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”

Thanks Ari; I feel much better. Otherwise, I felt complete madness at lunch when I determined the part I was really enjoying (and wanting more of) in my meal of albacore tuna with chopped onions, dill pickle chips, mayo and mustard was the part without the tuna so as I still felt the need to eat after waiting 1/2 hour that's what I had.

Now I feel done. Not hungry. No more craving. Whew. I don't know what it is about my body that makes it crave mayo but experience has told me ignoring that craving gets ugly and logic tells me I don't need to increase the 'healthy yet unwanted' part of the meal just to justify the 'dessert'.

I know few people consider mayo dessert ~ back to madness I suppose.

I had a moment of madness last night ~ I did that thing again where I confused the recommended caloric deficit to lose weight vs maintenance. You know when you go 'What? That's all I get to eat for the rest of my life..?'

Hate it when my brain switches like that.

Like it's really just that accurate of a situation that can be solved by math. If only.

I know what led to it. I've decided to try to eat more for a week or so; healthy but more. Just shake things up a bit. But then my left brain thinker kicked in and started doing calculus and before I knew it I was all freaked out and feeling hungry. Hate it when I do that.

Then I watched a documentary on birds and it sort of made more sense.

Yes, it's truly madness I can relate and rationalize my behaviour with birds.

I'm referring to how there are birds in New Zealand that have absolutely no fear because they have no predators. They will fly right up to a human and eat out of their hand. There is no 'centuries of fear and survival' bred into their makeup.

They are fearless, unlike the wild birds in my back yard who now take me for granted and chatter at me when the feeder gets low despite the way they scamper away and just lurk as far away as possible from me when I'm outside. If they only knew enough to trust me I'd probably turn my back yard into an aviary for them. A safe haven to breed and reproduce.

I know from where my fear and stupidity was born: adults and diet gurus. Unlike a baby bird who seems to instinctively know where NOT to fly or linger, I got into a lot of risky situtions when left to my own devices. It's how I learned 'stoves are hot' and 'electrical outlets spark if you stick sharp things in them.'

There was no instinct or fear in the beginning. It was ground into my psyche little by little year after year.

Some was necessary but the rest.. not so sure. I really hate that before too long and for too many years I found myself beginning far too many sentences with, "I'm afraid if...."

Breaking that habit will require more learning than instinct. Definitely worth a try.

[i]So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself; nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. Franklin D. Roosevelt[/i]

Thank you for reading.


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 05월 1일:
1966 kcal 지방: 87.10g | 단백질: 134.57g | 탄수화물: 178.94g.   아침 식사: Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, Nature's Way Efagold Coconut Oil, Spectrum Organic Ground Flaxseed, Spectrum Chia Seeds, Schwan's Triple Berry Blend, Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt (Container). 점심 식사: Smart Balance All Natural Rich Roast Creamy Peanut Butter, Onions, Yellow Mustard, Pickles, Mayonnaise, StarKist Foods White Albacore Tuna in Water. 저녁 식사: Schwan's No Sugar Added Fat Free Vanilla Ice Cream, Bacon, Onions, Spinach, Beef Liver. 간식/기타: Schwan's Golden Fruit Blend, Cottage Cheese. 더보기
1934 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기


hmmm...sometimes that touch of madness gets a little fresh, at least it has in my case. In fact, it goes through the family, feels people up, gets them drunk, french kisses them and steals their cash, credit cards and car. Mayo is easy to explain-humans like fat. It makes things taste good. I'm not crazy for it but on some things nothing else will do. Flavored mayonnaise with stuff in it is a huge thing for a lot of foodies, just go with it-it's such a distinctive taste that it's unlikely to be high on your list for long.  
2013년 05월 1일 작성이: CollyMP
You are so right, Bella. We are not "born" afraid...ah, the perfect innocence of complete and utter trust. This is why my heart turned over when I first laid eyes on my babies (and now grandbabies).  
2013년 05월 1일 작성이: Baxie
Born not afraid..then all heck breaks loose and we are afraid of just about every thing..what to say, do, eat, wear..the list goes on...but there are some fears we need to keep...:O) 
2013년 05월 1일 작성이: BHA
Interesting about your brain doing calculus on the topic of future maintanence. I think its amazing you have your wants and needs so clearly defined. So much of the time I walk around feeling like a cave woman...find food..me eat. Lol. 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: sharonfriz
Your journals always make me think. Ponder. If you think you are mad/insane, then I think most of us are. I know I am nuts! And that's the same thing right? 'Dieting' makes me nuts. Life drives me crazy. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow and join the funny farm. Not surprised you craved mayo, the pundits say its a good fat and I am glad your body was able to communicate what it wanted. I don't hear my body at all. It just doesn't talk to me. Perhaps I should ask it to talk to you and you could let me know what it wants? LOL. See, crazy! And fear, yes, I used to be a lot less fearful when I was younger, well I was afraid but didn't give a flying @#$. Would face the devil himself if challenged but life has taught me well and fear is one of my companions. Oh for the innocence of youth. Enjoy your day Bella darling. Hope the bird of paradise lands in your yard and eats out of your loving hands :) 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: sarahsmum
@Colly - my touch of madness is all internal except for my journals here. I get the 'fat' craving and it defies the logic of 'good fat' because I take in plenty of chia, flax & coconut oil. I think it's the mayo & pickles combo. Then again, I had some mayo on my cold beef liver this morning. Heck. It's Mayo. @Baxie & Bren - I agree some 'self preservation' is necessary else we'd be extinct; I just dislike that fear sometimes seems to get in the way of me trusting myself to do things better or just different. @Sharon - yeah, it's a silly trap. Need xcal to get to xweight, then what will I need to drop to in cal to maintain? Ugh. Calculus, Algebra and long division all going on while I'm preparing my dinner. @Isabel - Sure - sent your nutty body over to talk to my nutty body ... hmmm.. have you seen Thelma & Louise? LOL. Something about aging with (me) - my husband and I used to jump in the car, four bald tires, $50 in our pocket and head across country. NOW it's all regular maintenance on the car, are the credit cards paid, do we have reservations for lodging and on and on. No more whimsy ~ just constant planning. Love the bird of paradise hope - very poetic! 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: FullaBella
Oooh ooo, I just read this & have to tell you that the May issue of Experience Life magazine is mostly about Ending Fear; I particularly love the Face Down An Injury (and Come Back Stronger) article that so pertains to my life right now. Check it out if you can. When I was on the cabbage soup diet when I felt like a bottomless pit no matter how much soup & added lean protein I ate, I'd have a little fat and feel satisfied. Mayo = mostly fat = satisfaction. I get that using a healthier fat like mashed up avocado in your tuna salad won't ring your chimes, but I do understand. Not the mayo part, I find it yucky, lol. Just that gotta have a certain thing thing. :o) 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: crabby Kat
My madness is butter. I think that is why I like the Primal Blueprint diet. Love my butter. and my chocolate and my nuts and my ribs and my wings....need I say more. Crazy me. Lucky birds to live near your back yard. Last year I went behind DH's back and put some beautiful raw almonds under our front tree to feed the squirrel. DH doesn't like animals hanging around because we take the cats out front (supervised) but he doesn't want them picking up disease from wild critters. Anyway. I only did it once or twice but the dang thing built a nest in that tree this year. DH thought he wouldn't because the tree has 3-4" long thorns - but while he was building I kept finding the big thorns on the walkway because he was just breaking them off. Guess we will be taking the kitties out back. You made me smile again today. Thanks!  
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: Neptunebch
I'm mad. I do the same double take on the calories allowed. you can hand feed humming birds! saw it on YouTube or Google. I use to drive cross country, singing in front of thousands. where did fearless go? when did we stop being fearless , at the very least, not be unreasonably fearful. OR could IT just be self inflicted doubt. happy Thursday 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: Lizzygracemusic
I really like the Aristotle quote. Thanks for sharing! :D 
2013년 05월 2일 작성이: SELouisiana
Also loved the quote, and if that's true I must have one awesome mind lol. As far as the mayo goes could it be the old, if I can't have it I want it even more? I personally love mayo but have found I can deal with the kraft fat free mayo. No, it's not great, more like miracle whip but at least I don't have to eat my tuna plain. Yuck! I would love to try the avocado idea but I don't want to sacrifice the calories. Eating healthy, eating what tastes good and trying to maintain calorie deficits...sigh. What a learning process this is. :) 
2013년 05월 3일 작성이: Sheysdrm
Thanks everyone - that's the great part of living in the interweb era - there's always a quote available within 5 seconds of google to justify every single mood. It's interesting that some of the old stuff still holds true - watched 'The Merchant of Venice' this morning- geez, Shakespeare ... so deep yet so hard to absorb with that funny talk, LOL. But the theories still ring true.  
2013년 05월 3일 작성이: FullaBella
I try not to think about what I can or can't have for the rest of my life. It tends to depress me..lol Instead I just live for the day. Everyday I just try to eat within my range with as much enjoyment as I can. lol I enjoy eating. I love the way food tastes. Eating for me is not just for fuel. I don't just gas up. I enjoy and want to enjoy every single bite, taste. Probably not a good thing but it's true. I just refuse to think long term. I just have to get through each day and before you know it they have passed into a week...a month..a year and it all comes together...I am not perfect and I have many ups and downs but being here has helped me in many ways...friends to talk to ...support... and never feeling alone.  
2013년 05월 4일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Cathy - nodding with you in 'logical' agreement. The nagging part that's throwing really tall hurdles in front of me right now is history. It's a challenge to have the faith outshine the fear. If the four times I touched the stove burned my hands, the fifth has me wondering if this will be ok. In metaphors do I have the right pot holder this time;? Is that really a heat resistant spoon? Of all the things I find myself just jumping into lately in a 'whatever happens, happens' mode and easily celebrating the success or easily forgiving myself for the failure ~~ this is NOT one of them. It has been a week of crazy doubt and shaky confidence.  
2013년 05월 4일 작성이: FullaBella



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