davidsprincess님의 저널, 2020년 01월 20일

Here's a non food related post... Don't you think that your very truest friendships are the ones where you are able to tell someone the truth and even if there is offense taken, you move on and have a stronger friendship for it? Could you ever be friends with someone if you couldn't express what you really thought? I could never follow someone blindly and just click and support or not speak my mind. If someone irritates me, I need to be able to say something- if they're my friend....Otherwise people irritate me but I have no interest in persuing a relationship so it doesn't matter. I'm talking about when you
are truly someone's friend.I just feel like that's the mark of a true, genuine friendship. Calling someone out on bull shit and moving past it.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2020년 01월 20일:
2223 kcal 지방: 87.81g | 단백질: 147.94g | 탄수화물: 228.69g.   아침 식사: Philadelphia Regular Cream Cheese, Lender's Plain Bagels. 점심 식사: Casey's Bacon Breakfast Pizza, Sunshine Cheez-It Original Snack Crackers, Great Value Pepper Jack Cheese Slice, Carl Buddig Corned Beef, MuscleTech Phase8, Trader Joe's 4% Cottage Cheese, Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas. 저녁 식사: Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Low Carb Tortillas, Cub Foods Ground Beef (93% Lean / 7% Fat). 간식/기타: Peanut Butter, Aunt Millie's Giant White Bread, General Mills Blueberry Cheerios, 1% Fat Milk, Kraft Nutter Butter. 더보기
2903 kcal 운동: 타원형 트레이너 - 35 분, 운전 - 2 시간, 웨이트 트레이닝 (적당한 무게) - 51 분, 휴식 - 12 시간   34 분, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기

35명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

40중 1에서 20
True with the exception that telling it like is isn't synonymous with negativity. Honesty with someone should include what is both positive and what is negative. If someone is constantly being truthful and their truth is always something bad - then I would take it as that person just doesn't like me, say f'em, and move on.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: AboutMyTribe
And if they dish it, they should be able to take it back 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: AboutMyTribe
No...I don't sugar coat or say- here is what the positives are. As a supervisor, yes - note the positive and negative. But I'm talking strictly as a friend or any meaningful relationship - no - I just say it. And it's not an all the time thing because I wouldn't have close friends that I'm constantly bickering with or having differences of opinion. Usually we are like- minded.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: davidsprincess
I’m married to a straight shooter. Jess tells me what she thinks no matter what and I appreciate it. There are many that don’t appreciate it and take offense. It works for me and I think it’s refreshing to hear what someone really thinks, even if I don’t like it 😁 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: love2educate
I grew up in a family where they always spoke the truth. I found it a bit stressful. Yes so you do not like my makeup. Why not just keep it to yourself... It is your opinion and you do not have to state it just because that is hwo you feel. That was the conclusion I came to. Some of my family is still like that. I can deal with it. I know them. My own policy is that some "truths" are not necessary to share 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: liv001
Liv... Yeah that's kinda sucky. I guess I don't have a great example. Ummm... I mean more along the lines of your friend doing or saying something you strongly disagree with and being able to say so without that person boo-hooing and hopefully even respecting you enough to see your side and how wrong he /she is. Or at least not continuing to bring it up in front of you.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: davidsprincess
L2E... David tells me stuff I don't want to hear all the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ i don't always love it and he may think I don't listen- but I tuck it away and make note of things. I never say "yes dear, you were right" 😆  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: davidsprincess
Yes it is but sometimes the truth really does hurt. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: ocean_girl
I like my friends being honest with me. Plus your friends should know you for who you truly are and not take offense. But some people more sensitive then others. I always get myself in deep poo 💩 when we speak the truth. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: ocean_girl
Sometimes I wish I had a filter but I don’t. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: ocean_girl
Amen davidsprincess. I hate "walking on eggshells" If someone tells me something I don't particularly like or agree with, I try to see their point of view but if I still disagree it's ok. We are all individual with our own opinions. I value that and it doesn't bother me..it's ok to disagree. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: Diana 1234
truth sister... 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: designwebs
So apropos, Princess! It's destructive to a relationship in which you feel you must always say what the other wants to hear in lieu of being honest... not claiming this as fact--it's just my humble opinion. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: rokr6378
Apropos... I quite like that word. I need to use it more often. 💕  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: davidsprincess
I don't really like to say things that I know would hurt someone's feelings. So personal things that hurt, I stay away from. I also avoid talking about politics. I just don't like arguing or fighting if I can help it. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: Fritzy 22
I would tell a friend if she had lipstick on her teeth though. Some things you just have to know! 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: Fritzy 22
My daddy was a straight shooter so I know no other way! LOL. Therefore all the people close to me are straight up. It makes me giggle when people meet me for the first time and apologize in advance for their "bluntness". If they only knew the man that raised me❤.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: MamaCabral7
I think the massive presence of internet, talk shows & social media has resulted in people 'telling it like it is' all in the defense of 'being honest' and 'being real' and with that mindset politeness and manners have faded. There's also a huge difference between 'a good friend' and a 'social media acquaintance'. Even with my 'close friends' or family, I try to temper my answer or opinion. Sure, I want honesty but I don't want to be suicidal afterward. More often than not, when a person claims they're 'being honest' it's used as a defense of criticism. Criticism is only helpful if it inspires us to improve.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: FullaBella
I was confused by the questions. 'Following' someone on the internet is different than a real life friend. A dear 10+year friend of mine criticized me once ... I've never felt the same around her. We're still friends and have discussed that incident but it didn't make our friendship stronger. I have never felt 'myself' around her and when I do return home after an outing I'm exhausted from pretending. 
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: FullaBella
People feel very free to say hurtful things on the internet, to people they never meet in person. It's very easy to be blunt, and takes much more effort to phrase things gently and politely.  
2020년 01월 20일 작성이: gz9gjg



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