FullaBella님의 저널, 2019년 11월 16일

Happy Saturday! Wishing you all a wonderful day.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2019년 11월 16일:
2471 kcal 지방: 92.67g | 단백질: 88.06g | 탄수화물: 269.19g.   아침 식사: Land O'Lakes Mini Moos Half & Half Creamers, Coffee-Mate Original Liquid Coffee Creamer (Tub), Coffee. 점심 식사: Chardonnay Wine, Stacy's Pita Chip Company Simply Naked Pita Chips, Pesto Sauce, Cento Roasted Red Peppers, Stonewall Kitchen Hot Pepper Jelly, Cream Cheese, Raincoast Crisps Crackers, French or Vienna Bread (Includes Sourdough), Hummus. 저녁 식사: Hillshire Farm Turkey Smoked Sausage, Libby's Crispy Sauerkraut. 간식/기타: Milk (Nonfat, Dry, Instant) , Jell-O Pistachio Pudding. 더보기
2162 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기

33명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

32중 1에서 20
Thank you King. Looking forward to your posts today! 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
I haven't thought that far ahead either. Waiting for the coffee to wake me up. Plus I generally don't eat until later in the evening anyway. I'm hosting a wine sampling thing this afternoon (not my wine - I just got tagged to be a sample site) so I'm trying to think of something quick & easy to serve. I think they have me pouring a Chablis. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
And because of 'that' I'm preparing that I may taste a few appetizers so they may end up being my meal. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
Really? I'm a sommelier! I didn't know you made wine.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: king_georgear
I can't drink alcohol right now, it's the worst thing that can happen to me to weigh, but if I'm on a diet and even reach my goal, alcohol is forbidden. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: king_georgear
I’m enjoying my coffee right now Bells. Hope you’re enjoying yours as well. Have a great day. We are going out to dinner as a family of four, rare these days as the kids work etc., and hubby and I are experiencing the empty nest here and there as they are 20 and 17 and do their own thing more often...sign of days to come. Not looking forward to an empty nest, I’m very close to my kids. ❤️  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: wifey9707
I'm sorry about my English. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: king_georgear
No.. not a sommelier... just a gal who can't say 'no', haha. And I don't drink wine hardly ever so ... I hope they give me a spiel so I can explain the wine for the people sampling. Your English is fine - I can understand most. Always feel free to double check me too if google doesn't translate me well. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
Wifey - I am enjoying this flavor. It's interesting.. I don't know that I want it every day but it seems suited to a lazy Saturday. Have a wonderful time tonight. I didn't really feel that 'empty nest' so much when my (step)daughter married and moved out into her own life. I think it was because I was busy with my job that had me traveling all the time so I didn't feel the difference. I bet my husband felt it much much more.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
You know .. this is the first time I made that connection. Now that I'm grounded and around home 'most' of the time.. I tend to get a bit .. witchy .. because I don't see my daughter & grandsons as much. I have to remind myself that 'just because I have more time on my hands doesn't mean they do'... thank you for that. I don't think it was your intent, but it helped me.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
Good morning, dear Bella. I’m having my afternoon tea. I love to follow your reflections, this one about your daughter and grandson shows great consideration and sensitiveness. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
Good Morning Eva. Thank you. I do find it humorous when my daughter complains her son's don't make time for her. I try to feign sympathy but all the while thinking "well, yeah... I KNOW." The thing that helps me accept it is other people my age experience the same... kids going off to do their own thing.. busy with their own lives. PART of me wants to INSIST they bring their butts back over to Mama/Nana house at MY scheduling,not theirs.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
So I swing between the two concepts... letting them have their own lives and insisting they make me a part of it.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
No Bells, didn’t intend to make you reflect at all, but it’s good we all do, at times. Keeps all things in perspective, or at least we hope it does. At least you do live near family. I’m miles from all of mine. 😞 But it sure makes the once a year visits that much more appreciated. ❤️ 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: wifey9707
Wifey - yes, indeed. Distance is a huge struggle. In a way (more reflection, sorry) I get more aggravated because it isn't a distance for us. My daughter literally lives in the building next to mine. I can take a hammer and bang on the wall in my art studio when I want to aggravate her. So it really bothers me when she'll go weeks without seeing me.  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
She started a new job a little over a month ago and is off on Thursday, has been making it a point to come visit me. For that, I'm grateful. I just want to acknowledge that to the universe so it doesn't sound like I only whine. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
Pfffft if I was as your daughter and lived that close, I’d be over every day begging for beans!! 😂😂😂😂😂 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: wifey9707
You'd think so, right?? That's when I knew I needed to find my balance with her... when I did MAKE that huge pot of beans (the one that hooked you in!) and cornbread FOR HER and her family and had to BEG her to come get it. She loves my food, but not so much me... or at least.. that's how it felt back then. But again.. that was the past. And yeah, she did swipe my sirloin and most of my salmon the other night. I really think this new job has had a positive effect on her mood. I hope it stays. 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: FullaBella
Hope so Bells. It’s difficult when we love others but it’s not reciprocated. Or at least our perception is that it’s not. I give people the benefit of doubt, either there’s a reason for behavior which I try and gently approach and find out if I’m at fault, or they have things going on I know nothing about. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: wifey9707
We all have a story and thank you for sharing more of yourself ❤️💜💚  
2019년 11월 16일 작성이: jcmama777



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