FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 03월 12일

Afternoon all - another selfish quickie journal on my part.

I finally got the books caught up for 2013 so that looming quarter end doesn't feel so overwhelming. Added all the tax 'to-do's to my per my accountant - looking fairly good. Still dealing w/the Brickmason & damage to my building from last week - will meet w/the lawyer on that little fun thing next week. Checked on some inventory in process for the shop. Ugh. Confirmed my defensive driving certificate was indeed received by the courts and filed and the charges dismissed so I may walk (slowly) in the Sun again and obey the speed limits when I drive. And the usual: business, customers, bills, MH, Mdog, lunch and life since my quick journal this morning.

OH, I forgot to add, last week on my way to ApatheticDoc I dropped my kindle and scratched the screen so good news is I have a warranty on this one (the first one that got crushed by MH's wheelchair did not) so the replacement came in today and now I get to make sure I move all of my content from one to the other before shipping scratchy back. Will be doing that in my spare time this evening :-)

I need to process some inventory received yesterday but am recognizing I'm just delaying the inevitable: starting the identity theft process.

Per the IRS thee minimal bullet point actions I need to take include: contacting the federal trade commission, calling social security, filing a police report, contacting a credit bureau, going to the IRS website and getting a publication on IdentTheft and sending drivers license, social security card and a blood sample with a hard copy return. My potential refund will be held up until this is resolved; I won't tempt fate by wagering on how long THAT will take. I'm sure if I ever do get it, I'll use it to pay my valium & liquor tab :-) ((just kidding!))

I also imagine, despite my best calm optimistic exterior ((MH is freaking out!)) the above listed items are going to only be the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure I'll have to wade through the credit cards and bank accounts. Fortunately, we don't have that many ~ at least, WE don't have that many. Hopefully the tax bandit hasn't advanced that far ahead of me. UGH.

So ... as I warned, another selfish journal because I am now going to Log back off to keep the FS Hacker at bay and go back to my fire-fighting. I will TRY to catch up & comment on your journals this evening, sometime after the gson baseball game and MH's dinner, Mdogs dinner & potty and pills and ....oh, heck, I'll ask now: please be patient with me for a couple of days.

Gotta go get the ball rolling on the ID thing before all the customer service reps leave for the day. You are all in my thoughts whether my comments appear on your journals for now or not - watch out for the toddlers :-)


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2013년 03월 12일:
1206 kcal 지방: 56.83g | 단백질: 91.55g | 탄수화물: 79.99g.   아침 식사: Sauerkraut Libby, Egg, Smoked Sausage. 점심 식사: Babybel, Colossal Spanish Olives, Spectrum Flax, Nostimo Yogurt, Crispy Sauerkraut. 저녁 식사: Campbells Beef , Crispy Sauerkraut, Calif Blend, Marcon Almonds, Romaine Hearts, John Morrell Turkey. 간식/기타: Triple Berry Schwan, Cottage Cheese 4%. 더보기
2058 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기


Best of luck to you in all endeavors, Bella, and we patiently await your return when some semblance of sanity has been restored. 
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: CollyMP
Whew! Sounds like you need a hug and a glass of wine. Praying things calm down for you soon. 
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: DairyKing
Bella's new WOE ..... just plain toooooo busy to eat! Look at all those calories you've saved for the wine ;) 
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: 2toofat
LOL-ain't THAT the truth! 
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: CollyMP
Hope you get it all straightened out...:O) 
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: BHA
That all sounds yucky, just reading the word IRS sent me into a panic. Stay cool girl.  
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: Lizzygracemusic
Ugh....poor baby...I ve had my credit card stolen and thought that was pretty awful. I am so sorry for you. Glad you are not drowning your sorrows in m& m s.  
2013년 03월 12일 작성이: sharonfriz
The tax fraud sounds like a complete nightmare! Sorry that has happened to you. No idea about the setting gremlin. But I did read your post about the messages earlier, and I'm not sure whether that something to be worried about. Long story short: after I noticed something strange about the messages, I did some tests with a rl friend, also on fs. Basically the pm's sent are linked in some weird way. For example, if I send someone a message and then as the sender happens to open the sent message in their outbox, it marks it as 'read' in the receiver's inbox (and I've accidently opened something I've sent before). Likewise, if either party deletes the message, it is deleted in both the sender's outbox, and the receiver's inbox...the sender can delete the pm even before the receiver has actually read it. I have absolutely no idea why FS designed the pm system like this. So, all I'm really saying is that if you have pm's that you know haven't been read but they are marked as 'read' that may simply mean that the sender of the pm has opened it for whatever reason. Of course, it could also be your setting gremlin. Eep, are having a rough run.  
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: blueniamh
Bella, just want to say I hope sorting out the ID theft issue is as painless as possible. Take care! 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: riocaz
Well I can understand why deleting something in your outbox deletes something in the receivers inbox. It gives you a safety margin so if you send something and think better of it. You can remove it before it's read (Actually your test puts my mind at ease regarding a rather rude message I sent in the heat of the moment as a response to a particularly irritating PM I received a while back). 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: riocaz
I have my suspicions that the forums and PM system are based on a very very old version of a bulletin board that has been customised for this site. And it's a legacy of that. 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: riocaz
Oh boy, what a fiasco!!!! Sorry you're dealing with all of this crap.. :( 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: erika2633
Thank you all - as my journal today reflects - the insanity continues. Interesting on the FS gremlins too ~ I think it's weird how my settings get changed though because, seriously, it's either someone with less of a life than me or much like a 'sleep eater' I'm a 'sleep setting changer?' LOL. Ahh well, if this were the only challenge in my life ... I esp appreciate the logic behind the messages .. definitely makes sense. Thanks again! 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
This is crazy stuff you have to deal with. I'll be thinking of you and hoping all is going well. :( 
2013년 03월 13일 작성이: Neptunebch



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