FullaBella님의 저널, 2019년 07월 12일

Cutty used to say, “That mouth of yours is gonna get you shot someday!” I’m surprised yesterday wasn’t the day.

Less than twenty feet into the grocery store I heard a man yelling from the produce section. I scurried over behind the pickles to listen. Growing up in a house full of drunks I learned to stand in the hall and ‘read the room’ before deciding whether to enter or go the other direction.

After a minute though I could tell the conversation wasn’t angry. It was just loud. Extremely loud. Unnecessarily ear splitting loud. Perhaps the guy was drunk or hearing impaired but not likely dangerous.

I felt safe enough to leave my bread & butter pickle foxhole and move on. I’ve shopped at Ross. I would utilize the same skills I use to drown out crying babies I’m convinced they have on staff there. Everything would be fine.

But it wasn’t fine. I spied Mr. Loud 50 feet away and assessed. He was wearing headphone cans. Not earbuds. Cans. And he was using the speaker function on his phone with his arm outstretched instead of up near his mouth. Loudly. I don’t know who he was talking to nor did I care. It was just frustratingly loud.

I went through every ‘quieting the monkey mind’ exercise I knew including making up show tunes but nothing was drowning him out. I watched the two people shopping with him ask him to get off his phone. I could tell by their gestures they were telling him he was too loud. I watched him respond to them in a normal voice level then resume his loud conversation on the phone.

I wished I’d not witnessed that because now I had to discard the only two possibilities of forgiveness I’d mustered up for Mr. Loud. Initially I’d deduced he was mentally challenged and after seeing the headphones I decided he was hearing impaired, maybe even both. But both of those excuses fell through after watching that interaction. I had to accept he was just rude.

Side note. If you’ve seen the meme I posted last night about overshopping the produce, this is the reason why. My recent rule of ‘only one or two fresh items at a time to reduce spoilage’ rolled right under the shopping cart. I was a woman on a mission selecting produce while trying to block out the noise.

“That’s okay, Bella. You’re not the manners police. Put it out of your mind. Oh, look, bell peppers.” I kept this dialogue going in my head trying to block him out. I would take the high road, shop, and go on about my day.

I never made it to the high road. I tried. But I lost it. Big time.

“You HAVE to STOP!” I called out from across the produce section. “You are too loud! I can’t think! You have to stop!”

I’m not sure which of us held the most shocked expression on our face, me or him. Of course there were other shoppers who turned to stare at me too. I was embarrassed and trying to regroup as my words echoed in my mind. I immediately apologized.

“I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I can’t concentrate with you yelling like that but I shouldn’t have yelled back. I’m very, very sorry. Really sorry. So Sorry!”

I looked at the people shopping with him expecting them to fly over the lemons and beat me senseless with melons. I don’t think they were related but when you’re with your posse and someone gets called out, you step up and defend. That’s the rules of friendship.

Would this be the day I die? Right there in front of the avocados?

Instead they said, “Thank you! We tried to tell him!” I repeated my apology again. They thanked me again. Mr. Loud ended his phone conversation and they scooted away from the produce section.

I’ll admit, I was a bit rattled and nervous with each turn onto a new aisle. I’m not without a temper but I don’t release it like that on strangers. Cutty was referring to others lacking appreciation for my sarcasm, not out and out yelling.

Maybe it was because I’m trying not to eat my emotions these days they are manifesting in more outward expressions?

I replayed the incident over and over in my head wondering if I had truly yelled at a mentally challenged hearing impaired man right there next to the tomatoes. And if that is the case, I am very ashamed. I’m not proud of losing my composure in public, period, but even less so if it wasn’t on an equal playing field. This is a small town. I’ll definitely shop elsewhere or resume getting my groceries delivered for a while.

Next up on my Amazon shopping adventure will be my own headphones. I can’t be yelling at strangers like that; I have to save something for my family.

All in a day.


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2019년 07월 12일:
1258 kcal 지방: 77.12g | 단백질: 93.50g | 탄수화물: 35.34g.   아침 식사: Coffee, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, ZNC-Chia Seeds, Paleovalley 100% Grass Fed Beef Stick, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Coffee. 저녁 식사: Brussels Sprouts , Del Monte Diced Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Sea Queen Wild Caught Salmon Fillets, Tomatoes, BelGioioso Aged Asiago Cheese. 간식/기타: Wal-Mart Rotisserie Chicken, Tomatoes, Great Value Small Curd Cottage Cheese, Coffee-Mate Sugar Free French Vanilla Liquid Coffee Creamer. 더보기
2298 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기

31명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

41중 21에서 40
Moopie - aww, thank you! 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
I applaud your ability to speak up today and say something. That's Kool and the Gang. However you did not include any Samuel L. Jackson style MFers. 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: SoHangry
Bravo for speaking up, Bella! Why should we stand by silently when so many people with NO manners talk at the top of their lungs in every day situations? Have you considered submitting this story to Reader's Digest? It's actually very well written and it is a timely topic. Good for you!!!  
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: Moe Menard
Oh Bella, I completely understand. I do. I have had my fair share of having to set someone straight, out in public. One time at a restaurant, at a man who yelled at a child sitting near us. The offender and his wife got so upset they walked out. As they left, the man made a gesture towards me, very immature, but before he reached the exit, everyone in the restaurant applauded his leaving. I did apologize to the young parents of the toddler for telling the man off, but I was only sorry that it may have made them feel more uncomfortable. They did say it was okay.  
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: Becc@
😂😂😂 this was great lol.  
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: Aralicious84
Hangry - believe me, I'm totally surprised I didn't. But I think E decided I had to quote scripture first and I wasn't thinking that clearly. 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
Moe thank you for the support and compliment. I haven't ever submitted anything. I'm just happy to share it here. 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
@Becc - yeah, I once tried to stop a robbery in progress at a restaurant so I'm not beyond getting involved ... but.. I'm just glad I didn't get retaliation. 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
Aralicious: thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
Keyten - omg.. I'd hate to think someone captured me on camera. I doubt they had time unless they were already filming Mr. Loud and watching me meltdown at the same time. I'm so hoping he was just rude.  
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: FullaBella
Don't hide...you apologized now move on.... Let yourself be human and still show your face. Some people would have screamed and swore and not humbly apologized. I love your writing. You have a gift for it... maybe while you have your groceries delivered if you don't listen to my advice (to let it go!) you can use that shopping time to write a book. ;) 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: sweetincense4iam777
I'm new on this forum and your post was the second thing I've read. Sweetincense4iam777 is right, your desciptions had me laughing and trying to imagine what I would do in the same circumstance. And I guess in this day of no 'shame' for anything they do, it's nice to know that there are others out there who replay that 'moment' of whatever over and over in their head and think 'what was I thinking?' Bless your heart, let it go. If you weren't a good person, it wouldn't be bothering you. Congradulations on not going after a pie! 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: Aeson Lark
Actually, you did not use profanity; you only spoke up and said what most folks were thinking. Do NOT beat yourself up! (((((hugs))))) 
2019년 07월 12일 작성이: kclab
@Sweet, @Aeson and @KC thank you all. I appreciate your support. I'm going to let myself out of the penalty box now. Thanks again.  
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
Bella, I hope you are saving these journal entries for an Erma Bombeck like book, because you have a gift of the funnies even in the most embarrassing moments. I think you did just fine. Loved the inner dialogue... 'oh, look, bell peppers!' And congrats on the weight drop!  
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: claireosullivan
Oh hun I had to laugh lol. That’s so me and my girls. I usually don’t have to say much because one of the kids, usually the 5 year old will ask why someone is doing something like that. I make lists of explanations like mentally challenged, hard of hearing etc like you did to yourself. After that she will make a comment about bad choices. That’s when the others pipe in about rudeness, the middle in a nice way. The oldest in a typical annoyed teenage tone. Usually the people walk off and nothing’s ever said to own another. It’s quite funny when we see men showing their boxers. The youngest wants to know if they are too poor to buy jeans that fit lol. My middle when young asked if we could buy the young man some panties because his were showing plus they didn’t look very clean. She said this with him right behind us haha. I commented that boys liked to wear clothes like that and she should ask daddy why prison inmates wear their pants like that. She also asked why he was grabbing himself when we aren’t supposed to hold our private places especially in stores. 
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: peeperjj
I honestly don’t think this man you saw was challenged or deaf. He just was selfish and didn’t think about others around him. 🤷‍♀️ Perhaps he was speaking to someone hard of hearing. That’s no excuse tho! He should’ve asked to call the person back when he left or have spoken in a normal tone. Don’t feel bad Bella! I’d have done the same because anymore I just can’t control the bad irritations like that. So many people are too selfish anymore and should consider those around them. 
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: peeperjj
Bravo, Bella! 
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: Miraculum
I see no reason why we should allow rude people to get away with their behavior. Saying nothing just encourages them to do it again. Sometimes speaking up is effective, sometimes it isn't, but you'll never know if you don't try. Good for you, Bella, you succeeded in making the day more pleasant for others. 
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: shirfleur 1
You're a hoot! I picture you as Wonder Woman, keeping us safe from annoying people! Who was that masked woman? 
2019년 07월 13일 작성이: metamora



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