FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 29일

Why I Like this Website

The positive and upbeat people here. Even when we're having a bad day or fell off the wagon most people here post about climbing back on and getting back on track.

When I saw my doctor in Nov and she was impressed w/the weight loss, change in labs, etc., I couldn't help but tell her about the website.

Yes, by all means, 'we' individually have to be motivated to change or nothing will happen no matter how much we read and post and log.

But the summary of all of it, the logging of food, exercise, journaling, posts, information and repeated feedback, it's very supportive and encouraging. At least, it is that way for me.

Instead of saying 'well, that's great' and making a note of it to share with other patients trying to get their weight under control she said 'well, you should really check out :::another website::: if you are going that route.'

I won't mention it here but I promptly forgot it until today when I googled something and a link to it came up. I just spent about an hour reading there and I was so underwhelmed. Maybe I found the wrong thread but every single post was negative or complacent! I finally clicked away. I felt like I'd been in a trance driving by a bad car wreck or something. Was glad when the traffic picked up and distracted me.

I'm so glad I found this website. I'm so glad I have great buddies here. I tell anyone who asks me about this website.

Thank you all for being here. Have a great Saturday!!

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 29일:
1387 kcal 지방: 42.03g | 단백질: 76.38g | 탄수화물: 182.64g.   아침 식사: Creamer, Flax Seed, Vanilla Nonfat Yogurt, Schwans Mixed Berries, Coffee, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Coconut Oil. 점심 식사: Tomato, Ham Hock w/Beans, Spinach, Cocktail Onions, Fat Free Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing, Tomato, Mushrooms, Cucumber, great northern beans. 저녁 식사: Egg White, Kraft 2% Swiss, Kraft Fat Free Cheese, Hormel Black Label Breakfast Bacon, Mushrooms, Spinach, Wheat Bread, Egg, Tomato, Kraft Fat Free Mayo. 간식/기타: Apple. 더보기
2263 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기


I feel the same way Bella. xoxo  
2012년 12월 29일 작성이: teskandar
Yes, I've always found great support on this website... just don't post anything on the forums - they rip you to shreds there! LOL.  
2012년 12월 29일 작성이: evelyn64
I think it is people like you who make this site worthwhile! As with any organization, it is the people who make it work!  
2012년 12월 29일 작성이: RiverRes
Thanks everyone. I guess I've been lucky - no one has ripped me yet. Then again I can be obtuse when necessary ;-) RR - I'm so happy here - I often feel I take more than I give :-). I have great friends! 
2012년 12월 29일 작성이: FullaBella
I agree with RiverRes, it's the people! I lurked for awhile before I started journaling/posting...as a whole the people on this site are more positive, helpful and encouraging. I used to be on another site, at first it was good but then it became a popularity contest and tons of drama. Evelyn64, yes, some of those forums are a bit catty. lol  
2012년 12월 29일 작성이: Gatorsgirl
I have learned a lot on the website as well. I use to go into the forums every now and then but now spend most of my time with my buddies. Most people in the forums are good but there are a few annoying pushy know it alls that kind of ruin it. I have been lucky enough to get a good group of interesting, funny, smart, supportive people as buddies. 
2012년 12월 30일 작성이: fatoldlady
My doctor did make a note about this site to share with her other patients! I've been very happy here, too and have met wonderful people.  
2012년 12월 30일 작성이: crabby Kat
Hey Bella - thanks for the friend request! You have such a refreshing attitude! And boy do I need that right now in my life. God sends you the very best just when it's needed! (thanks God!) I'm here for you if you ever need a push, a shoulder, a swift kick in the booty... you name it, I can come up w/ something !!! Much Love. 
2012년 12월 30일 작성이: jsfantome
Bella, I couldn't agree more! I looked at other sites but this one has the people I adore and know how to build a real community. you are such a wonderful part of this community and my personal growth! 
2012년 12월 30일 작성이: philanddeb
You folks are so great - this is indeed another endorsement of this site. When I first set up my account and the option of 'make journal public' came up I thought (after lurking a bit too) 'Eh...why not..maybe someone will read and tell me where I'm screwing up...' Instead I've met incredible friends who inspire me every day. I'm indeed fortunate and thankful for this community.  
2012년 12월 30일 작성이: FullaBella
Why I love our Bella! Even though you've had more than your share of struggles & hardships, you always find a way to stay positive & are such an inspiration for so many of us. You are my idle & my Angel, and I am grateful every day to have you in my life. And, once again, you are so right about this website -- like you, it's the absolute best! Happy New Year, my FS friend... & it will be happy because you do it all with such a wonderful attitude & sense of humor! xoxox 
2012년 12월 31일 작성이: Ruhu
Awww ... you are such a forgiving person ~ bless you and Happy New Year to you too! 
2012년 12월 31일 작성이: FullaBella



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