FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 26일

And this is how it starts but fortunately I nipped it in the bud before it bloomed! God, I love metaphors. Without them I'd have to cut through the crap and get right to the point and what fun would that be?

The other day I recognized it's not so much the 'emotional' triggers that led to my poor eating as it was the total 'lack' of it - boredom, comfort, complacency.

Today I was preparing 'chili cheese dogs' for MH's lunch. I already had my 'RDI Survival Soup' heating (a low cal / low fat delicious concoction of vegetables and broth specifically created to help me through days I want to eat frequently without wrecking my RDI) on the stove as I started prepping his lunch.

Stirring the bubbling chili inbetween grating the cheddar cheese I found myself thinking 'Eh, screw the soup... this looks good... one is okay .. it's the day after Christmas and you didn't eat all that much yesterday and ...'

And I caught myself BEFORE I turned the flame off beneath the RDISS.

"Are you crazy? You HATE canned chili (the only kind MH will eat) and you REALLY HATE hot dogs! You didn't even EAT hot dogs when you ate all the other crap like pizza and nachos and on and on! Why would you eat one NOW?"

"Because, it looks good?"
"The hot dog looks good?"
"Well, no, the chili looks good. And the cheese..."
"Okay, add a LITTLE of the CHILI to your soup and sprinkle some Parm Cheese in the bottom of the mug before pouring the soup in. You'll get the same wonderful taste without the 'crap'!"
"Well... you know what ... you're right!"

Slip of the Subversive Sabatoger Stopped. Yay.

I actually poured the chili in on top of the parm cheese and then added the soup. When I reached that part of the mug, I'm SOOOO glad I did NOT have a whole serving, cup, mug whatever. Yuck. I Hate canned chili. Maybe my chili days are over too? I made some a couple of weeks ago and barely finished a cup of it. Maybe I never really did like Chili, just liked all the cheese and jalepenos and chips? It's either that or I'm just a really bad cook?

Oh well. ONE single customer so far today. If I'd have closed the phone would have rang off the hook. Thank goodness for the internet ~ keeps me amused while I'm passing time out here.

Thank you for reading!

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 26일:
1470 kcal 지방: 46.45g | 단백질: 93.82g | 탄수화물: 185.98g.   아침 식사: Plain non fat yogurt, Creamer, Flax Seed, Schwans Blueberry, Coffee, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal. 점심 식사: Parmesan Cheese, String Cheese Weight Watcher, Chicken California Blend Soup, Hormel Chili Beans. 저녁 식사: Mushrooms, Spinach, Spicy Mustard, Wheat Bread, Hormel Canadian Bacon, Cheese Omlette. 간식/기타: Apple, Almonds 100, Basic Four. 더보기
2263 kcal 운동: 숙면 - 24 시간. 더보기


LOL! Funny how that works. There are times that I have taken a bite of something and thought "what are you doing? This doesn't even taste this great and you are going to wreck your hard work?!?" Those are the moments that I open the door to the counter...pull the trash can out....and spit the food that I was chewing into the trash can....LOL!!! For me it would be the chips and sourcream and cheese that I was enjoying moreso than the chili...haha. 
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: jaime30024
Welcome fellow spitter! Same here!  
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
Hey, new buddy! I've had weird thoughts like that pop into my head - that I should be craving something I normally don't even care for. And, like you, it always ends in disappointment with a re-affirmation of why I didn't like that thing in the first place. I think it's got something to do with the concept of what we tell ourselves we can and can't have - we always think the forbidden fruit will taste sweeter. I am not a fan of canned chili (or too many canned products in general) but I do make a kick-ass chili myself that I have "healthified" over the years, replacing the hamburger with ground turkey and lightening up/eliminating the cheese and sour cream (discovered I have dairy sensitivities). Maybe you just haven't found the right recipe!  
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: evelyn64
:O)..Loved this... 
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: BHA
Way to go! You got through that one with flying colors! 
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: Neptunebch
yes. i've done this too. eaten something i don't even like. i used to HATE donuts! but 7 years of working a state job where pretty much 2-3x a month someone brings them into the office, eventually i started liking a few kinds...and found myself eating ones i still hate, and soemtimes throwing away half when I come to my senses and remember i don't like glazed twists or chocolate frosted. 
2012년 12월 26일 작성이: JessWhatINeeded
Thanks all - definitely food for thought (haha) as I continue to make myself acknowledge my random 'not that good for me' food choices to confirm if I really want 'it' or just all the outliers. I've decided no food will be denied if I am going to do this right for the rest of my life BUT those with little nutritional benefits must be 'really wanted' instead of a mindless consumption.  
2012년 12월 27일 작성이: FullaBella



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