FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 7일

Well, I was going to add the following to my bio but there is a 2000 character limit so I'm just going to post this as a journal entry to update and add to as time goes on. This is for me, and anyone else who sometimes struggles with reminders, that being healthy is more than just a number on a scale. The little things add up.

December 6, 2012 - Small Subtle but Celebratory Changes Noted since 11/24/12:
*Lost 5 more pounds
*I can now wear a regular bath towel instead of a bath sheet
*Medications for diabetes and cholesterol will not be required as I was able to bring those back within an acceptable limit by eating healthy
*Had a Doctor tell me she was impressed ~ with my history of obesity that is indeed a rare thing to hear and experience
*Six people commented suddenly within this week 'Wow, you've lost weight' although most of the credit this week was due to new underwear.
*I was able to work five hours getting my storeroom ready for a workout room this past week. Four months ago I was too heavy, exhausted and uncomfortable to even stand there for more than a few minutes much less do the bending and heavy lifting.
*I've continued to meet more friends at FS and be inspired more than ever with their experiences, encouragement and support.
*I actually ate pasta and didn't have a guilt laden urge to purge
*I managed to survive a couple of 'emotional' anger moments without binging - I did open the fridge door and stared at the shelves but caught myself, slammed the door shut and walked away.
*An uncontrollable craving morphed into MayoBinge but didn't purge and got back on track with healthy eating the very next day
*I actually researched a treadmill online with really serious intentions to buy
*I made reservations for a weekend away and actually cared whether the hotel had a workout room rather than stocked minibar and midnight room service.
*I stood in a line at a store and was comfortable without the need to lean over on the cart and constantly alternate my feet as I had to in the past
*I dropped a pen while driving and once I pulled over to a safe stop I was able to bend down and pick the pen up off the floorboard instead of having to step out of the car to bend over to get it
*Twice I tried to get out of the car without unhooking the seatbelt (okay, that just reads idiotic regardless of weight but in the past it choked me so badly it was the first thing unbuckled before I even turned off the engine ~ now it's obviously loose enough to be an afterthought.)

November 24, 2012 - Small Subtle but Celebratory Changes Noted Since Starting Healthy Journey on August 25, 2012:
*Lost nearly 50lbs
*Dropped 4 sizes in jeans - actually wearing pants with a zipper & a number rather than 3X on an elastic waistband
*Can stand over an hour now without pain
*Have more energy and confidence
*Have NOT STARVED or USED pills to suppress appetite
*Only one binge / purge incident and that was the first week - managed to take Thanksgiving with the good and bad without resorting to past eating disorder behaviors
*Choose to walk more and park farther from stores when safe
*Can reach body parts easier as well as not feeling strangled by seatbelt
*Haven't suffered acid reflux at night once
*Am proud of myself
*Joined fat secret and met a lot of nice people and made some good friends
*Have enjoyed finding new and healthy and delicious foods to eat so I feel confident I CAN do this the rest of my life
*Have lowered my fasting blood sugar from 160 to 110 without medication
*Am not fearing lab work check up due next week
*Am looking forward to doc visit due next week as her reaction to my plan to lower blood sugar and cholesterol with diet instead of drugs was a look of skepticism (sp?)
*Have started taking stairs instead of elevator (up but not down yet - bad knee - maybe another 20lbs and I'll add the 'down ')
*Have started treating myself with more care and respect
*Have found a nice balance between 'live to eat 'vs 'eat to live'
*Am looking forward to today, tomorrow and next 90 days.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 7일:
1131 kcal 지방: 29.77g | 단백질: 67.24g | 탄수화물: 150.03g.   아침 식사: Dannon Light & Fit Greek, Creamer, Flax Seed, Schwans Blueberries, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Coffee, Coconut Oil. 점심 식사: Schwans Oven Roasted Chicken, Schwans Tuscan Soup. 저녁 식사: Coffee, Broccoli, Pico, Cucumber, Crisps, Banana, Peperoncini, Hormel Turkey, 2X Protein Greek Yogurt - Honey Vanilla, Tomatos. 더보기
2684 kcal 운동: 운전 - 1 시간, 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 2 시간, 숙면 - 21 시간. 더보기


You are an inspirations!! I never realized the little things and how big those are. When I was reading your story, it made me realize some of the things I can do now that I couldn't do before. Awesome job!!! 
2012년 12월 7일 작성이: Mrs. H
This is amazing - and yes, truly inspiring. Sometimes we are so busy looking forward, looking to lose that next lb, that we forget to look back. THanks for reminding us. Thanks for reminding ME.  
2012년 12월 7일 작성이: kingkeld
allow me to add my two cents: all amazing accomplishments, from big to small. Reminds me to not take any goodness in life for granted. 
2012년 12월 7일 작성이: teskandar
Thank you Mrs. H, Kingkeld andd Teskandar ~ for me it really is important that with my 'one day, one bite at a time' to recognize 'wow, I can reach 'this' thing and 'that doesn't hurt' now. For me forcing myself to acknowledge little things is my plan for remembering all along the way where I came from compared to where I am now. It's little things that a scale or photo won't tell you. One thing I forGOT to list, so I'll have to include for the next recognition phase is 'can now lift right leg up and put ankle on left knee unassisted' (I have a bad knee / surgery in '09) and up until just this morning I noticed I could do 'that' - in the past I had to turn sideways on the bed and lean 'over' my leg to put on socks and shoes that needed tying. Oh, another, I CAN do my own pedicure now if I so choose. Couldn't do that before without an aching back, pinched stomach, red face and much pain. These little things folks... they mean a LOT to me. 
2012년 12월 7일 작성이: FullaBella
Fantastic job! What an incredible list! And I agree with the others, these are things we take for granted especially as we are putting on pounds...we find work arounds. But what a blessing to be able to do the things that were out of our reach just a few short months ago! 
2012년 12월 8일 작성이: RiverRes



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