FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 12월 5일

Dear Santa,

Would you please reach into that magical bag of presents and bring me ONE single nice quality pair of bluejeans that 1) fit me 2) don't shrink SHORT the first time I wash them and 3) I can wear through the next 20-30lbs of weight loss without looking like some gangsta-rap wanna be? That's all I want for Christmas.

Believe me Santa, I know you're very busy this time of year making all those plasma TV's and IPads so I'd appreciate it if you could fit in my single meager request.

I wouldn't ask if I hadn't already spent over $200 in less than two weeks trying to find my own. The first pair fit great ONCE and then it's as if they EXPANDED in the washer and suddenly fell to my hips within one week. I know I didn't lose THAT much weight.

The second pair was a bit snug and I felt great in them but they shrunk TWO inches SHORTER in the dryer so I can only wear them with sneakers.

The third pair neither shrunk nor expanded but the flipping zipper tab broke OFF after the first washing and I'm sorry Santa, I was in a bad mood and quite Naughty as I threw them into the trash bin while cursing a blue streak that would turn all of your reindeer's noses bright red. On reflection the usually resourceful part of me would have found a little piece of jewelry or key ring to use as a tab but by then it was too late.

Even then Santa, I went to the Woman's Shelter Thrift Shop to which I'd donated less than six weeks before no less than 15 lawn size bags of my clothes in sizes varying from two to twenty-eight. I was fully prepared to buy back some of my own jeans.

But color me baffled as not a STITCH of my donated clothing appeared on any racks or shelves. So either my step-daughter did NOT in fact take my clothing there as she promised or every single stitch was bought immediately upon receipt. Otherwise, maybe you need to loan them your Elves after Christmas so they can help them get caught up on that huge donation in need of being inventoried for sale.

So Santa, I did purchase three pair of jeans there, a size 19 because I'd never seen a 19, an 18 because that was the size of my well fitting but too short new jeans, and a 16. And as you know, I hate trying on clothes in stores so I just brought them home.

Well, Santa, something must have happened to Women's Fashion and Sizing during the past five years while I was waddling around in the land of 3X elastic waist pants.

I remember back in 2005 when I lost my 'weigh' into single digit jeans there was some 'vanity' sizing going on and a size four was the new two and two was the new zero and so on. That had to be the only logical reason that I was able to squeeze my wrinkled behind into a size two jeans. I wanted to wear them inside out so others could see the tag.

However, the Vanity Elves must have gone on strike and been replaced. How do I know this? Because as I was continuing to clear out and clean up that Store room for my future workout room I did come across an overlooked box containing a few handbags, a couple of pair of shoes and two of MY old jeans from 2004-2005.

Yep, size 18 - the same size I'm wearing NOW but I can't get them to even button much less zip! And these were MINE and I know they FIT back when I wore them.

So Santa, not for a lack of trying, I am frustrated and would you just bring me some jeans that fit. If you could make them the kind that do shrink IN but not UP over time as I do plan to continue losing inches in the months ahead that would be fantastic.


다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 12월 5일:
1216 kcal 지방: 31.07g | 단백질: 101.43g | 탄수화물: 135.60g.   아침 식사: Schwans Blueberries, Dannon Light & Fit Greek, Creamer, Flax Seed, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal, Coffee. 점심 식사: Schwans California Blend, Schwans Salmon Burger. 저녁 식사: Smart Squeeze Butter, Tomatos, Mushrooms, Schwans Turkey Sausage, Wheat Bread, Lowfat Swiss Cheese, Kraft Fat Free Cheese, Egg White, Egg. 간식/기타: Schwans Six Cheese Tortellini, Grapefruit. 더보기
3657 kcal 운동: 걷기 (느리게) - 3km/h - 1 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간, 앉아있기 - 6 시간, 책상 업무 - 6 시간, 스탠딩 - 2 시간, 가사 - 1 시간. 더보기


Shopping for jeans is the worst. Never fit right and if they do, they won't later on. I can totally relate and need some jeans like that too! 
2012년 12월 5일 작성이: gabbygabby
Loved your letter! And totally hear you about the sizing consistency! I don't even care what the number is anymore - just give me a pair of jeans that make me feel better!!! 
2012년 12월 5일 작성이: megan4
Uggggh the dreaded jeans shopping- I just got a pair of Lee's at Walmart on the weekend- and they are the most comfortable I have worn in a long time--They are made for "curvy figures"- and have some stretch to them so you don't feel like you are going to be cut in half, and they seem to keep their shape so far. They were 24.99 on sale regular 30.00 (that is Canadian dollars) could be cheaper in the good old USA ;) 
2012년 12월 5일 작성이: newmooney
Yes Gabby, Megan & NewMooney - Men have NO idea how easy they have it, do they? As for me, 'curvy' doesn't work because I have a bigger stomach than hips (yuck)and while I haven't lost any 'cup' size above, the first thing I lose is any 'back' when I lose weight. If the waist fits in jeans, I have room for a small litter of puppies in the hips. I don't know why puppies came to mind, it just did. I've tried 'hip huggers' because I'm so 'shortwaisted' I thought that would be perfect but that didn't work either. I may just to go back to an elastic waist for a while but for now I'm going to wash the one pair of jeans I have that do fit and can be worn with my boots until they fall apart. Hurry Santa, Hurry! 
2012년 12월 5일 작성이: FullaBella
FullaBella but they say that jeans can't fit everyone the same way,you need to customize it for your own body, that's way it is so hard to find good pair lol . I like "curvy" jeans it sits pretty good on me,but I HATE low waist(rise) jeans or shoud I say ,I can't stand seeing girls/ladies walking with their butt out :) 
2012년 12월 5일 작성이: tute75
Somebody posted a whole journal thingy about jeans shopping back during the summer, complete with a link that was very descriptive in explaining what body type looks good in this or that brand of jeans. I'll see if I can find it and post the link for you. 
2012년 12월 6일 작성이: Baxie
I've had the same shape issue, even though I'm down where I can only fit a couple baby kittens on each hip, lol. I found some Gloria Vanderbilt Sarabella style jeans that fit like a dream. I like jeans with some stretch in the fabric, & GV has good ones. 
2012년 12월 6일 작성이: crabby Kat
Thank you Baxie - looking forward to seeing that link if you find it. CK - I'm beginning to think you and I were separated at birth. I wore a lot of GV last time I lost and yes, they fit my odd shaped body well.  
2012년 12월 6일 작성이: FullaBella



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