FullaBella님의 저널, 2012년 10월 20일

Yesterday was a good day - managed to stay w/in my RDI plus actually moved a little out of the sedentary mode into light activity as I went to a trade show and was on my feet probably about 4 hours of walking, slow walking but walking nonetheless. Not sure what caused me to NOT sleep last night, not even 30 solid minutes ~~~ hopefully I'll sleep well tonight. But I am proud that I did not get up and binge eat nor do I think the lack of sleep was due to being hungry. This morning the scale displayed 250 but I'm not logging that until it stays there at least 3 days in a row because I saw 250 last Friday and then w/in 3 days was back at 260. And yes, it could be fluid retention but that was also before I found FS and am recording everything I eat now. I usually 'over' record and I wonder if I'm being obsessive or just accurate to record little things like peppers, pickles, etc., but I feel it needs to be written. Long ago I read a book that offered advice that made sense - if something is listed as zero fat it's because it has less than one gram of fat. So you could probably eat zero fat all day but you should count each serving as 1gram of fat just to cover your bases.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2012년 10월 20일:
1447 kcal 지방: 51.18g | 단백질: 74.95g | 탄수화물: 189.37g.   아침 식사: raisins, quaker oatmeal, Flaxseed, coffee. 점심 식사: Pepperoncini, ham, grape tomato, spinach. 저녁 식사: hamburger meat, turnip greens. 간식/기타: Nonfat Strawberry Greek Yogur, peanut butter, apple, kosher pickle spear. 더보기
3244 kcal 운동: 스탠딩 - 3 시간, 휴식 - 13 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기




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