Siegels님의 저널, 2023년 05월 18일

I behaved horribly yesterday. I'm so angry at myself. I ate like there are no consequences.
65.9 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0.8 kg.    남은양: 2.4 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2023년 05월 18일:
1160 kcal 지방: 55.98g | 단백질: 116.63g | 탄수화물: 54.09g.   아침 식사: Kroger CARBmaster Vanilla Milk. 점심 식사: Stonyfield Farm Organic Greek Plain 0% Fat Yogurt. 저녁 식사: Cheeseburger with 1/4 Lb Meat on Bun, Panera Bread Chopped Chicken Cobb Salad with Avocado. 더보기
2002 kcal 운동: 휴식 - 15 시간   38 분, 숙면 - 7 시간, 걷기 (중간) - 5km/h - 50 분, 헬스 - 32 분. 더보기
주 0.6 kg 증가하기

50명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

47중 1에서 20
Don't beat yourself up, I did that Monday. It happens, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and step back on the path. Have a good day Siegels. 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Okay, so let’s fix it. Can you shave off a bunch of calories from a meal today and get in a great workout? How about a long walk at lunchtime or after dinner? 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: JustBananas
Today is a new day!! 😁 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: mrsdunn47
me 2 ... my lunch started with 3 burgers 2 ice creams and a bag of chips 😱 its all good though today's a new day  
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: ObeseToBeast123
Ok so my goodness this is the most difficult thing I've ever had to can food have such A HUGE control of you brain. I've come to the conclusion that this cannot be done without prayer. I am 218 pounds as an adult. As a kid and young adult I never had a weight problem. So here I go today I am officially going to really try to control my eating habits in Jesus Christ name because This is not easy. 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Chabella62
Don't be angry at yourself we are all human. Just forgive yourself and move on.🌞 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: collpeanut13
Me toooo New day today 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: dblondz
so did i...but binged over 2 days🥺 we can do this! 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: DeAnna-banana
Sometimes our bodies need a reset! You can get back on track now.  
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Gina DeL
Listen man, this is why cheat days exist. Allow yourself this cheat day once in a while (could be once a week, once every other week, or once a month) and you'd be surprised at how it actually keeps you from relapsing into unhealthy habits. Think of it like a reward for all your hard work! Just keep going at it like you have been, .2 pounds really isn't a big gain compared to all your progress so far and it's not gonna severely set you back. Good luck on your journey and be gentle with yourself! 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Cyrus Mourningstar
Me too! I was angry when I got in scale! We both know what we need to do ..👍 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Diana 1234
It's not "what you do once in a while" that matters. It's the "what you do day in and day out" that really counts! Leave yesterday behind!  
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: IamHis
I did the same. It was my birthday. I was a total glutton!  
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: -MorticiaAddams
You must be angry with yourself. You showed you have no consistency. You have no limits. You showed that there is no difference between a kid who wants icecream and you. You showed that you only care about today, not your long term health goals. 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: ammar888
We can do this!! 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Bulldog18
Hey it is ok! I have at least one or two cheat meals a week but the rest of the time I am counting my macro's and putting on my workouts. Don't beat yourself up but just don't have another cheat meal for a week!  
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Redporchlady
Ignore the negative nancy up in this thread btw, their "advice" will only serve to drown you in the deep, dark pits of depression. Which, fun fact, will *actually* pile weight on you (cortisol, the stress hormone, had that nasty effect on people). 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: Cyrus Mourningstar
We all have those slips. Just start again. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ve got this. 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: 60s Mom
Part of the life plan is to accept and adjust to these days 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: marymhf
For all those, who are commenting on me: 1. I am not a she, I am a ‘he’. 2. You guys Think it is okay to compromise on objectives. It is fine to be undesciplined. You are free to think that way. It is your choice, but not mine. 3. When someone does a mistake and realizes it, I am not the one who will say ‘It is okay’ because that enables mistake repetition. You are free to think what you want. You are free to repeat the mistakes. I do not encourage it. 4. My comment only agrees with OP. I endorsed him that yes he has truly identified the spot for improvement in himself. And I endorsed his calculation about himself. 
2023년 05월 18일 작성이: ammar888



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