moopie321님의 저널, 2014년 06월 10일

Increased calories? Is that the trick?

"If you trip on a step, no reason to throw yourself down the stairs."

I lost my way with one cupcake. I stuck to it and came right back to where I left off. Don't let one slip up turn your way 180. I am removing friends who aren't supportive and sticking with those who understand my struggle. Gaining overnight what took one month to lose was crushing. This journey is hard, but I will get there.
59.3 kg 지금까지 감소한: 20.1 kg.    남은양: 0.8 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2014년 06월 10일:
1354 kcal 지방: 110.36g | 단백질: 79.93g | 탄수화물: 26.66g.   아침 식사: Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter, Kernel Season's Popcorn Seasoning - Nacho Cheddar, Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds, Tarantino Breakfast Sausage, Heavy Cream, Coffee. 점심 식사: Precious Stringsters Low Moisture Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese. 저녁 식사: Trader Joe's Organic Chicken Drumsticks, Tarantino Breakfast Sausage, Half and Half Cream, Chicken Stock, Mae Ploy Red Curry Paste, House Foods Tofu Shirataki Noodles. 더보기
2291 kcal 운동: 가사 - 1 시간, 운동 기계 (중간속도) - 1 시간, 운전 - 1 시간, 책상 업무 - 9 시간, 휴식 - 4 시간, 숙면 - 8 시간. 더보기
주 5.4 kg 감소하기




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