Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2022년 01월 28일

Didn't go out to do my jobs today - first day I have voluntarily missed doing them since mid October. They've lowered the price paid per job (price monitoring item), and they've decreased the number of jobs available. Last week, I only earned $118 (for less than one hour a day). In December, I earned as much as over $450 for a week (but that was more like two hours a day because jobs were plentiful.

Went to the dentist yesterday. I have two loose teeth, because of bone loss beneath the gun line. Nothing they can do to save the teeth - they will eventually fall out. The molar behind the two had already had to be pulled, because I couldn't afford a crown. Sigh.

Car overheated again yesterday. The thermostat went all the way to the far side of the red, just sitting at a traffic light for under two minutes! I had gone several places, and it didn't mess up until the light at the corner where I live, Praise the Lord! My husband thinks that when they fixed it, they just didn't "cycle" the water. When he checked it, the antifreeze was down by 2/3 of a gallon. Haven't driven it today. Praying it will do ok driving to my grandson's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese tomorrow!

Weight was down a tad this morning - probably because of all the grapes I ate yesterday. They tend to go through me pretty quickly.

I've got an 8-pound (minus the bone I cut out) Boston Butt in the Instant Pot. Have never tried cooking pork roast that way. Hope it turns out nice and tender! Did you know that pork butt is actually from the front shoulder of the pig, not from the butt? Now you know! You're welcome!
114.0 kg 지금까지 감소한: 3.4 kg.    남은양: 46.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 0.6 kg 감소하기

31명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I use my pot to make pulled pork all the time. I'm sure your pork will be delicious. I empathize with your dental problems. I have numerous bridges and crowns. Even with insurance they are pricey. I always say my claim to fame is that my boys have never had a cavity even at 36 and 29. Thank you God! 
2022년 01월 28일 작성이: Tink1953
My favorite cut of meat is the Butt Chop. It always cracks me up! lol 
2022년 01월 28일 작성이: Patriotpaul
Hi Debbie, nice to hear from you today. Sorry about the car trouble and the job situation, hope it gets better. That is certainly a funny fact, which I never knew, 😂. Happy birthday to your grandson and hope you have a great time 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ 
2022년 01월 28일 작성이: ocean_girl
I did not know either. Off to google…🤣🤣 
2022년 01월 28일 작성이: wifey9707
Drop in jobs possibly because it's after the holidays? Hope things pick up again. So sorry about your teeth, that's no fun. Enjoy the party! 
2022년 01월 28일 작성이: shirfleur 1
congratulations to you  
2022년 01월 29일 작성이: buenitabishop
Sorry about your teeth. You're having good eating tonight! An interesting site, Pork Shoulder Demystified: Boston Butt Versus Picnic Shoulder:  
2022년 01월 29일 작성이: Snowwhite100



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