Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2022년 01월 22일

Things didn't go too badly last night. I could really feel the calm that y'all prayed for me to have! I "watched" Max for a couple hours, and then my husband came in the living room to watch TV with him so I could go to bed. My son, knowing that we did NOT want to babysit him, worked out something where a friend of his could come over about 10pm and stay with them as a "witness." Laura got checked out at the hospital, was put on antibiotics and came home relatively quickly.

My husband was kind enough to take me out to do my jobs this morning. He won't be able to take me in the morning, because of church. I usually have time (when the car is not broken down) to go out, get back and get to church for the 10am service. But, he goes to the 9am service, too (since he's the Pastor, duh, lol), and he usually works on reviewing things before he goes over (we live next door to the church, in the church parsonage).

I did make another Franklin Nut Cake yesterday morning - put it in the oven before I went out to do jobs, as it has to cook for three hours (but only at 250 degrees). My husband thinks I've "arrived" in my quest to get it perfected to the way his mother makes it. TA DA! I'm bringing her a slice at church tomorrow to see if she concurs. If so, I can take a reprieve from my cake-baking endeavors - at least until my husband's birthday, which is February 12th.

OK, bedtime! (Yes, I go to bed between 5-6pm every night - it works for me)
113.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 4.4 kg.    남은양: 45.1 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 1.3 kg 감소하기

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