jinny66님의 저널, 2021년 10월 15일

76.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 19.9 kg.    남은양: 16.6 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2021년 10월 15일:
2107 kcal 지방: 91.59g | 단백질: 73.67g | 탄수화물: 243.27g.   아침 식사: Cp Chicken Franks Sausage, Ezy Taste Northern Thai Spicy Pork Sticky Rice Burger ข้าวเหนียวไส้อั่ว, Mama Instand Noodle Pork Flavor, Tesco Spicy Pickled Green Mustard. 점심 식사: Tesco Spicy Pickled Green Mustard, Healthy Boy Soy Sauce 1St Formula, Olive Oil, Egg, Mix rice2. 저녁 식사: Kontrol Maltital Syrub, Hotta Ginger Powder Sugar Free, Egg. 간식/기타: Tesco Spicy Pickled Green Mustard, 목우촌 닭꼬치, Sugar, Mama Instand Noodle Pork Flavor, Nestle Kit Kat (46g), Vegetable Curry Puff กะหรี่ปั๊บไส้ผัก. 더보기
주 9.8 kg 증가하기


If your BMI is above 23, you can always lose weight just by managing your diet. My personal recommendation is to "eat lots of high fiber vegetables. Increase the percentage of high fiber vegetables and reduce the amount of other carbohydrates. If the ratio of vegetables to other carbohydrates in your daily diet is reversed, you will lose weight. You will lose weight. |つ°▽°|つ)ペシッ Let's go slow.✨ ▽<|bグッ 
2021년 10월 16일 작성이: ヤママユガ



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