Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2021년 07월 3일

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain OR to the scale weight. Hard though it may be, I keep reminding myself that it is absolutely NORMAL to gain 5-10 pounds in the days/weeks immediately following an extended fast. I've been making nutritional, healthy choices and eating smaller portions, though I have been eating more frequently than I'd like to settle into. Today and tomorrow will be my last days of NOT recording what I eat in my Food Diary. Monday morning, it all changes! Dusting off the kitchen scale, and for the first time in over two months, I will be keeping note of everything I consume. If I Bite It, I'll Write It!

Here is my plan: (1) continue to drink 10-12 cups of water a day; (2) do my Physical Therapy exercises at home every day that I don't actually go IN for PT; (3) ask the blessing before I take the first bite of any meal (which, I shamefully admit, I had become VERY neglectful of); (4) eat mindfully - slow down, chew my food thoroughly, lay my fork down between bites; (5) continue to push for NO TV during mealtimes with my husband; (6) eat 5 servings of fruits/vegetables daily; (7) strive to have some protein with every meal; (8) when I pick up fast food for my husband or the grandkids, plan ahead to already have a healthier alternative prepared for myself; (9) only have ONE dessert per day, and MOST of the time let that be something healthy; (10) continue to pray that God would break down the stronghold that food has become in my life and to give me victory over my food addiction; (11) remind MYSELF and others to PBPWMGINFWMY (Please Be Patient With Me, God Is Not Finished With Me Yet)!

God help me!!! I can't do this without You!
93.5 kg 지금까지 감소한: 23.9 kg.    남은양: 25.5 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
주 5.7 kg 증가하기

28명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Good advice. I believe I'm eating healthy and writing everything down no matter how much it hurts to do Yes, I tally up alot of carbs but, like I said, I'm not changing what I eat but how much. 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: lourock1
I knew a lady who lost about 100 pounds by just cutting her serving sizes in half! 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: Debbie Cousins
This is an absolute perfect plan! Print it out and post it where you see it frequently (several places if necessary)! I graduated from Bite it, then Write it to Write it, then Bite it... it has been the only constant that has ever worked for me! Now Working on how to maintain with only writing occasionally to stay in check!!! You Got This!!!! 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: catwmncat
Very impressed by your persistence and I hope to see you succeed as you reintroduce food. 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: LaughingChevre
It sounds like a good plan to me ! A few I have on my list are all food is eaten at the dining table. Never standing, at my desk, in front of the tv or in the car !  
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: crazycatchick
@crazycatchick, good plans! I used to eat in the car ALL the time, but I haven't done that in ages - didn't even realize that had changed. My husband is bucking at the "no tv" aspiration. We eat in our recliners in the living room - he only eats one meal a day and then a snack after I have already gone to bed. @catwmncat and @LaughingChevre, thank you. It will really be a challenge to implement all of these (mostly) new behaviors. I appreciate y'all's support! 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: Debbie Cousins
You can do it, Debbie.  
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: LaughingChevre
Positive attitude 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: jasonmiller1
You obviously know what to do by your list of new behaviors. You have god on your side. And you sound ready and prepared. I have found that having a phrase to say to myself every time I feel tempted to waver provides me the strength to continue in my journey. You can do this! 
2021년 07월 3일 작성이: grin0556
You've inspired me to do more fasting. 
2021년 07월 4일 작성이: erikahollister



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