Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2021년 05월 26일

Day 24 - down 40-1/2 pounds for the year. I'm up a half pound this morning, solely because I GOT UP at midnight, so I'm still retaining water that I usually would have gotten rid of in another couple of pees through the night! Every day this week, it has been 4am, 3am, 2am, and now midnight. I've been MUCH more active than I "usually" was! God has given me loads of energy and motivation. Compactly packed up another whole truckload of trash and broken down boxes from the garage yesterday. I also pulled weeds and gathered leaves in that ditch I was working on, and now there is about a 20' section that I have completed.

Kids coming over for the pool at 10:30 this morning because my 10-year-old gets out of school at 10am on Wednesdays. Pool needs to be vacuumed AGAIN before the kids get in and stir up the bottom-lying sediment. Don't get me wrong - the pool looks crystal clear, but since we used clarifier after I vacuumed and brushed it last time, it caused those small particles to become heavy enough to sink to the bottom. This will be part of my life for 3-4 months, so I may as well just get used to it.

Some of my green pole bean plants have runners that are now TALLER than I am (5'7"). A couple of them have a few yellow leaves right at the bottom. Hope
it's not blight or something. It is only in one or two pots, so if it IS something lie that, hopefully it will stay confined. COULD be from over-watering, though I'm only watering every other day when it isn't raining. Any gardeners out there, feel free to give me your advice.

Drank TWO cans of Diet Coke yesterday. I am very strongly conditioned to "reward" myself with DC when I have accomplished something - a sip after washing dishes, a swallow after completing my Bible reading - and more than that when I do BIG jobs like the ditch and the garage! Today's a new day. Will try to abstain from anything over 1 12-oz can. It will be hard, because I'm so pre-conditioned to drink Diet Coke while I am in the pool. I even hung a little mesh bag on the side to keep my DC and my phone in.

Ten-four good buddies. Over and out.
99.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 18.4 kg.    남은양: 31.1 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 100%.
주 1.6 kg 증가하기

6명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Excellent work! Let's go! #stillgrindtime #stayhungry  
2021년 05월 26일 작성이: jimmiepop
So glad you are feeling energetic and can do those things. Left a message for you on my journal yesterday. 
2021년 05월 26일 작성이: Snowwhite100
Go Debbie!! You are on a roll doing great. I need you to send some of that great energy this way. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! 
2021년 05월 28일 작성이: katjohnson1



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