Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2020년 03월 18일

Today (Wednesday), I'm starting EFT tapping for my Diet Coke Addiction. So far, been up since 4:30am and haven't had any. Elmininating Diet Coke from my "diet" is my next step toward getting back to where I need to be to ensure success with my WOE. (For those who don't know, EFT is "Emotional Freedom Technique" and is a "tapping" therapy that can change the way you feel about things you are addicted to.) For you REAL newbies, WOE is "Way of Eating" - a term we like to use in lieu of "dieting."

Weight was up to 225 this morning. That's my "That's IT!" number. After I get through this first day without Diet Coke, I will start on my first day of better eating tomorrow. Drinking water and walking are becoming firmly established habits now. Building blocks. One at a time.

I'll have the grandkids for about 6 hours today, so it will be a real test of my resolve to not drink the Diet Coke for stress - ESPECIALLY after they leave! I have a deeply ingrained habit of saying, "I need a Diet Coke," as soon as I take them home.

Love yourself, friends. Give yourselves the gifts of health and vitality. Wherever you are in your weight-loss journey (or journey to better health), love yourself and accept yourself right where you ARE. You deserve it NOW -- not just when you reach your goal. Peace.
102.1 kg 지금까지 감소한: 15.4 kg.    남은양: 34.0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 3.2 kg 증가하기

13명이 응원합니다    응원하기   



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