Debbie Cousins님의 저널, 2019년 12월 26일

I drank 64 oz of water yesterday. My "usual" for the past couple months has been not one single DROP in a day, so this is a great victory! I'm getting geared up for the new year! Just finished the last English muffin and the last bit of crunchy peanut butter. Took a couple things OFF of my grocery list so they won't be a temptation when I get back on track on Monday, 12/30.

Weight was UP by two more pounds this morning, at 218. (Still finishing off the Christmas desserts and country ham biscuits!) I'm guessing I'll hit 220 before I start in earnest - getting everything I want "out of my system" before I commit to NOT having it! I'm kind of an "all or nothing" person. If I don't stick precisely to my program, if I eat ONE thing I'm not supposed to, it sends me into a tailspin that takes forever to come back from.

During the Christmas holidays, I found that listening to Christmas music helped keep the "catastrophic thinking" thoughts out of my head, as the lyrics to the songs continued to play after the music was turned off. I woke up every morning with a song playing in my head. Today, I switched from the Christmas music to Instrumental Christian music. I'll volley between that, Contemporary Christian, Christian Country, and Hymns in the days to come. It's nice to have much FEWER of the "dark thoughts" that have been plaguing me.

Happy Day After Christmas to you all!
98.9 kg 지금까지 감소한: 18.6 kg.    남은양: 30.8 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 잘 따르지 않음.
주 2.6 kg 증가하기

7명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Merry Christmas, Debbie. You are still posting and that's a plus! I've taken some time off and indeed will start a fresh new year in hopes of making even more progress after losing some ground since Thanksgiving. I haven't been honest enough to record my last few weights, and greatly respect your honesty. I'm glad that you are having fewer "dark thoughts" and yes, music is a doctor. 
2019년 12월 26일 작성이: metamora
I'm with you to get back on track with the New Year. Actually started today but I too have a couple of things to get rid of. Stopped the sweets today. I'm praying for you, sis. 
2019년 12월 27일 작성이: Snowwhite100



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