EvaSieteTres님의 저널, 2019년 08월 26일

Recuperando la normalidad! :-)
No me gusta estar por encima de 55 Kg, pero esta vacaciones no he visto el 54 apenas ningún día.
Mi objetivo, por ahora, es mantenerme algo por debajo de 54Kg, evitando la sensación de restricción y control continuo. Estoy viendo que, para lograrlo, en estos momentos me viene bien volver al protocolo 5:2. De momento llevo 2 días de semi-ayuno (en torno a 500 Cal el 20 y el 24 de septiembre). Esos días los vivo por supuesto restringiendo, pero con el desahogo mental de saber que solamente es un día. Curiosamente, al día siguiente no tengo mucha más hambre, sino que el cuerpo me pide comer en un pequeño déficit. Cuando realmente como cual leona es dos días después, en este caso hoy. Y, dentro de comer en general cosas sanas, no pienso poner freno a mi apetito, porque mañana vuelven a tocar 500 Cal.
54.9 kg 지금까지 감소한: 4.1 kg.    남은양: 0.9 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2019년 08월 26일:
1560 kcal 지방: 75.83g | 단백질: 81.97g | 탄수화물: 137.95g.   아침 식사: Zanahoria, Hacendado Tomate Rallado, Finn Crisp High-Fibre Pan Crujiente de Centeno Integral, Eatlean Queso Proteico, Hacendado Claras de Huevo, Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen, Knorr Puré de Verduras Campesinas. 점심 식사: Hacendado Tomate Seco en Aceite, Entrepinares Queso de Oveja Curado, Huevo Cocido, Judías Verdes, Aceitunas Negras, Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen, Tomates, Hacendado Garbanzos Cocidos. 저녁 식사: Knorr Puré de Verduras Campesinas, Cacahuetes Salados Secos Tostados, Frias Tofu Firme, Arroz Integral, Hacendado Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, Calabacín, Entrepinares Queso de Oveja Curado. 간식/기타: Hacendado Nuez Mondada, Eroski Yogur Natural Desnatado, Melocotones, Azúcar, Alpro Soja Original. 더보기
주 1.4 kg 감소하기

11명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

Sin problema, Anna! Respuesta: En absoluto! A mi marido, le encanta que lo haga. Sabe que cuido mi salud y le gusta que me mantenga en mi peso. Si él no fuera un tirillas (fibrado pero sin volumen ni grasa), seguramente lo haría conmigo. Y en mi trabajo hay un compañero que hace un ayuno de sólo agua a la semana. Así que ya ves, no recibo críticas sino apoyos.  
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
Quien me conoce sabe que me documento y no me la juego. De un modo u otro no tengo aire de aceptar la condescendencia ni las críticas vacías, no sé cómo explicarme. Defiendo mis posiciones con “pasión” (vehemencia, quizás) y argumentos, supongo, ante quien tengo interés de defenderlas (ante quien no me importa, passso y no doy explicaciones). Lo peor que me encuentro es la incomprensión sincera, como la de mis amigos, pero nunca la crítica tonta. Sí tenían ese tono de “no sabes lo que haces” mi padre y mi hermano, cuando comencé con el vegetarianismo, pero mi relación con ellos es hoy en día prácticamente inexistente (por desgracia, pero necesito protegerme a mi y mi familia de gente tóxica como ellos) y ahora el tema ya no ha lugar.  
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
I like the theory of this. Unlike a complete fast it helps give the person a chance to understand eating 'less' and how that often meets the hunger. 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
So it's another 'portion control' lesson but by limiting the overall calories it really brings the theory into a better perspective to identify 'how much do I really need to eat?' 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
Exactly, Bella! The 500 Cal. days you are very conscious of your portions and get to understand that you can feel satisfied with less than you thought. you are also extremely mindful of what you choose to eat, because you want the most nutrition and satiation for your 500 Cal. 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
Nodding Eva. Two thoughts on that. ONE - this is part of why I'm not posting meals as much these days. I'm trying to use 'eating' to satisfy hunger instead of making it an event. Does anyone really need a photo of the paleo meat stick & protein drink I had for satisfying my midday hunger? I dunno. Maybe I should. I just found that making the meals for photos I was making a big deal about it and eating more. I am going to work to marry the two concepts better. Hunger satisfying + visible recognition for sharing. 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
TWO - the thought of the nutrition value is intriguing as far as 'bang for the buck'. I have had conversations with 'preppers' (stocking up their shelters) and they would never stock things like green beans or low cal foods because they want the highcal to sustain hunger prevention. Beans, rice, etc.  
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
So... in terms of the arguments that happen on this site as far as best healthy type foods... if we could learn (okay if *I* could learn) to live on fewer calories, eat to satisfy hunger instead of 'want', the prepper foods would be an inexpensive sustainable less perishable way to go. I dunno what my point is here. I lost my train of thought. 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: FullaBella
1. Eating "just" to satisfy hunger is difficult! I often forget how that feels. We are human and nothing happens only for "physical" reasons. Social, cultural and psychological contexts do matter. But I think reminding myself once in a while what hunger is, realizing it is not so terrible to feel an empty stomach, is very useful for my journey to weight maintenance and healthy eating. 2. What I meant was exactly "bang for the buck" in nutritional terms. I love the expression! I guess the point is what are we trying to "optimize": how do we measure the bang and the buck. Preppers' motivations are so different than most of us here on FS. Their food choices are good in case of the world ends, and we probably could learn how to choose foods that don't require frequent visits to the supermarket, but they would probably agree with us that vitamins, etc. are usually better if they come from fresh food than from pills, cans or jars... and they are more enjoyable too! :-) 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
Keyten, -as I see in your Diet Calendar- if you register everything you eat you normally don't reach 1200 Cal per day. So, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Is it difficult for you to eat 1200 because you feel it's too much? Many people find it difficult to gain weight (muscle) in a healthy way precisely because of this. That's not my case! I love eating! That's why I think the 5:2 diet is going to be helpful: on non-fasting days I don't need to restrict myself to reach caloric deficit. It worked well for me more than one year ago but I stopped because... I don't know, really. That's why I am back to it.  
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres
Well Bells! I’m sure glad I got to see dem beans before you refrained from ousting pics! 😜 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: wifey9707
Keyten, It seems you have reached the point of ”natural eating” that is so difficult for many of us on FS, congratulations!! I've had periods of not recording, but I love eating, carbs in particular, and after a while my weight tends to creep up. I am sure you will do great without recording, your good habits are well established 👍🏻👍🏻 
2019년 08월 26일 작성이: EvaSieteTres



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