moopie321님의 저널, 2018년 12월 10일

Lightest weight in my adult life. I am in a place I haven’t been before. Feels unreal, the only proof I have that there is even any change is that my clothes don’t fit. Is this how skinny people feel all the time? 😂😂😂
56.4 kg 지금까지 감소한: 23.0 kg.    남은양: 0 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2018년 12월 10일:
1553 kcal 지방: 103.97g | 단백질: 130.11g | 탄수화물: 31.73g.   아침 식사: Au Bon Pain Cappuccino (Large), Kirkland Signature Bacon Crumbles, Scrambled Egg, Trader Joe's Bacon Cheddar Ranch Dip, Cooked Spinach (from Fresh, Fat Added in Cooking). 점심 식사: Spinach , Finlandia Imported Swiss Natural Cheese Deli Slices, Quick N Eat Fully Cooked Angus Beef Patties. 저녁 식사: Costco St Louis Styled Ribs. 더보기
1794 kcal 운동: 요가 - 1 시간, Fitbit - 23 시간. 더보기
주 1.9 kg 감소하기

5명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

2018년 12월 10일 작성이: TomLong
That's amazing! You've done a great thing for yourself and your future self. I don't know if that's how skinny people feel all the time, but ill let you know when I get there. One of my favorite things about losing weight is going clothes shopping and get all new gear to look great in. Since I've gained this 60 pounds (35 muscle and 25 fat) over the past few years, I've noticed how much more limited my clothing options are when I go shopping. I can't wait to get down to my goal weight so I can share in your skinny people problems lol. Great job beautiful, you really do look amazing ❤.  
2018년 12월 11일 작성이: Gameshowhost
GSH, I am looking forward to you joining me on this side and feeling this odd phenomenon of getting to know your body again. I’m content that I set a goal and obtained it. Besides the issue of clothes, random males initiating convos, and I feel cold more often. On the positive side, I am more flexible in yoga. I am looking forward to running again. All things for self improvement. I am less than 4 lbs to 110s. I haven’t been there since high school.  
2018년 12월 11일 작성이: moopie321



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