jenjabba님의 저널, 2018년 08월 25일

now i have to decide what diet to do next. 5 day water fast was too much. i could do 3 days but by the 5th i was burping and my stomach hurt like it had glass in it. i was waiting for that energy surge and for the hunger to go away but i didn't make it lol. not sure if it ever would have gone away for me... sooooo, maybe I'll incorporate a few day fast or a light fat fast day in my week. i think I'll start back with carnivore, and then do more bio hacking maybe swing calories. while keto.. adwebserver, what ya think 😂
83.5 kg 지금까지 감소한: 20.9 kg.    남은양: 31.3 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
주 6.4 kg 증가하기

13명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I would only do a fast if I experienced enjoyment. That may the reason I dont water fast. I only 'no solid food' fast. You know how to find the right path, good luck on the next experiment :) 
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: adefwebserver
Oh god That sounds terrible! Don’t force your body into something it doesn’t want to do. How was day 2? Maybe cycle through smaller fast with carnivore and then Keto before going back to a couple day fast? Once I get my schedule ironed out I’m going to plan a 44-48 fast each week with a beakfast, lunch, dinner day following it.  
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: CrashtestDawnie
thanks! yup! liquid sounds good. we'll see. i only lost half pound a day max and then gained all back so not sustainable and def not worth it. i see many losing a pound a day.. we all knew that wouldn't be me haha  
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: jenjabba
@jenjabba - It will be interesting to see how I lose when my fast restarts this Monday. I now have more muscle so I hope I get that 'pound a day', but, who knows? I am consuming a LOT more protein than I have in the past and we will see if that has an effect. I do plan to do a lot of cardio and weights... 
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: adefwebserver
Adwebserver ya, hopefully that muscle pays off with more calories burn. I'm considering lowering my protein. I think for me to dial in my fat burning i might need to test my blood ketones. I saw a few people what protein affected their body like sugar. Hmm. Back at it tomorrow. Gonna take a few days to get back onto full ketosis. Maybe I'll do liquid fast with ya. I can definitely afford a carton of heavy cream. I am still getting rejection letters in email for all my job application.  
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: jenjabba
@jenjabba - I am with you 100%! Let's do this! :) I also suspect that my body treats high levels of Protein like 'sugar'... 
2018년 08월 25일 작성이: adefwebserver
too high of protein can effect ketones, though the body does need a reasonable level of protein for muscle development. I try to stay between 80 to 95 grams a day with my activity level. I have more trouble getting my calories in safe fats, it get the local store to give me some meat fat scraps, safe for me and it is no cost at all.  
2018년 08월 26일 작성이: baskington



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