jenjabba님의 저널, 2018년 07월 30일

Keto to Carnivore day 3 👍 my two meals will consist of ground beef and bacon! next week I think I'll go all beef. if you look up "carnivore diet" on "meat health" website, it's very informative on how to use this as an elimination diet. last night I got the full blown water runs.. not sure if it was the magnesium or? let's see how today goes! my goal is to heal my body and lose weight without counting calories. I'm gong to retrain my body. bust the metabolic resistance. If it works, great. if it doesn't, well, they will suck LOL all you calorie counters may be right, but I've done that and am taking the flip side (but my doubt is still present!) let's biohack these hormones!
84.6 kg 지금까지 감소한: 19.7 kg.    남은양: 32.4 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2018년 07월 30일:
1266 kcal 지방: 106.45g | 단백질: 89.51g | 탄수화물: 0.09g.   아침 식사: Morton Lite Salt Mixture, Sea Salt, Coffee. 점심 식사: Gwaltney Virginia Cured Hardwood Smoked Bacon, Ground Beef (80% Lean / 20% Fat). 저녁 식사: Gwaltney Virginia Cured Hardwood Smoked Bacon, Gwaltney Virginia Cured Hardwood Smoked Bacon. 더보기
안정된 체중

14명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

I hope this works!! I like the flip side :) Are you allowed spices? I commend you for not giving up!!! xo 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: Kim4dogNite
Here's another interesting read on it - my main personal concern about it is keeping the protein from being too much as I have had some kidney issues and I have a (possibly irrational) fear of causing excess work for what I consider my already-not-entirely-healthy-kidneys processing any excess protein. If I had no kidney concerns, I'd give it a shot myself. Anyway, keep us posted - I'm curious. It's certainly sounds useful as an elimination diet once your system gets used to it - when you eventually go back to not 100% carnivore it will be a great time to test foods as you reintroduce them:) 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: VAM49
VAM49 YUP, been to that link too, very good! What a bummer you have kidney issues. That is a challenge. But the whole high protein on LCHF and Carnivore is so blown out of proportion! None of these are suppose to be high protein! The trick is, set how much protein you think your body needs. I've seen .8 per pound of lean body mass. So, shoot for that, or what ever, then make up the rest in fat. By doing that you don't have 200g of protein. I am shooting for about 90g a day. that's it. So I punched in the meat into FS and adjusted accordingly. Allowing myself to go over or under by just a little.  
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: jenjabba
Kimberliefielding. I think at first i will avoid everything. I just watched the documentary "THE MAGIC PILL" it was very good. You can find it on youtube under "the Magic Pill en espanol" :-) The first month of carnivore on one sight suggested NO spices but salt. So, if i treat it like an elimination diet, that would be best. BUT, if you do it as a lifestyle, i've seen spices used. I don't know yet. My kitchen is a nightmare to cook in. It's been under construction for over a year LOL. I'm not sure how long i want to do this, but I think i need to go a month at least. We'll see. 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: jenjabba
I am going to look for the movie today. I have heard it was worth watching. You got this! You are very thorough with your research.  
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: Kim4dogNite
I agree with not going overboard on the protein especially given my concerns. I set carbs and protein then the balance is fat - though I'm not great at hitting my marks, it gives me a goal. Without watching macros, will that be do-able going carnivore? I suppose if the focus is only on high fat meats like pork belly and ribeye? MMMM just bought some grassfed ribeye to cook tonight as part of my food testing:) Sorry tastebud highjack! 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: VAM49
Wow! Way to go! Has it been tough? I find it intriguing... 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: CrashtestDawnie
Found another site re "zero carb carnivore" with current posts. Extreme but interesting. 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: VAM49
Crashtestdawnie, so far, no cravings, but I make sure I buy bacon with NO SUGAR cure. the sugar cured triggers me to eat the whole thing 😋 🐷😂 I'm extremely satisfied after a meal but I really don't care for plain ground beef. a lot more satisfied than eating a bulky salad for sure, but I do love salads. Thank God for bacon. next week, when I give up pork for the week, I'm going to try to find pieces of meat with more flavor that are cheap. what ever is less that 5 bucks a pound I'll look at. hmm, I might not be able to use bacon fat if I'm trying to eliminate pork. oh nooo! 😂 I might switch to beef fat or Clearfield butter. if I'm miraculously feeling better in a week, then I won't quit the bacon. heck I might go all bacon for a week, haha. 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: jenjabba
VAM49 I didn't like that zero carb site because they shame people who still want carbs. They called it "Dirty Carnivore" and said adding even a tomato was because of carb cravings. That's just stupid to me. everyone is different. I felt they treat carnivore more like a religion that everyone should be doing and I disagree.  
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: jenjabba
Just plain beef? No herbs or spices :/ That takes away the fun!! Maybe try buying an expensive cut and a cheaper one to balance out the cost and have a lill of both. 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: CrashtestDawnie
@VAM49 As long as you monitor the protein to a moderate rate and keep the fat high, your kidneys should be fine. I had kidney failure at age 12 and only have one functioning kidney so I know how worrisome it can be. -------------------------------------------@jenjabba I see a major loss in # coming your way. I have never counted calories ever. I just try to keep my fat double my protein with carbs under 10. Right now I am doing a Keto Induction so fat fast for me. Keep at it you are doing it right and something has to give. 
2018년 07월 30일 작성이: Mjgh06
Wow bio Mjgh06 - you are fierce in such a great way! Thanks for feebback:) 
2018년 08월 1일 작성이: VAM49



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