ericam16님의 저널

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2013년 07월 10일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
112.5 kg 2.3 kg 40.4 kg 합리적
   (2개의 댓글) 주 0.4 kg 감소하기

2013년 06월 27일

So far today I have been much more in control with eating. For school tonight I'll pack a tuna sandwich and some carrots.
I would never allow my kids to eat the way I do, so why should I treat my body different? I find myself so proud of them for going in the fridge and grabbing an apple or yogurt...or my son who loves salad. I need to learn from them! lol
Tomorrow is grocery shopping. I threw out all the junk food last night. Tomorrow I'll be getting lots of fruits and veggies to snack on. Also I'm going to start cooking from scratch as much as I can. I actually LOVE cooking, but find myself giving into the easier boxed/frozen meals. My husband is excited. Before I started school I was always cooking from scratch...and there's actually so many quick easy meal to make that don't require me sweating in the kitchen all day. My family and myself deserve so much better.

2013년 06월 27일

2013년 06월 24일

2013년 06월 20일

ericam16님의 체중기록

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