Kiki8123님의 저널

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2015년 07월 3일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
92.5 kg 10.3 kg 13.2 kg 합리적
   (댓글 1개) 주 0.1 kg 감소하기

2015년 06월 19일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
92.7 kg 10.1 kg 13.3 kg 합리적
   댓글달기 주 0.1 kg 감소하기

2015년 06월 17일

2015년 06월 5일

Well, been back a week and said I'd weigh in today. Even though I've seen this number, it's hard to actually write it down and admit it to all of you here when I was doing so well before. Feels like a failure. So I've gained. I need to look at what I've lost and what I did before. I haven't gone up in sizes so that's a plus - but it's close which is one of the things that finally got my attention. I think I've learned I need to be more "present" even when doing well. I have learned I do well when logging my food,weighing in at least weekly to stay accountable, and exercising (which I actually love doing - just need to take the time). I know this is a safe place with no judging. I'm back and taking the time again for me. This is just under the weight where I was at last year and I remember feeling so good so I'm ready!
체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
92.9 kg 9.9 kg 13.5 kg 합리적
   (15개의 댓글) 주 0.3 kg 증가하기

2015년 05월 31일

Kiki8123님의 체중기록

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