Anneemai님의 저널

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2013년 04월 5일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
98.0 kg 1.8 kg 34.5 kg 잘 따르지 않음
   댓글달기 주 0.3 kg 감소하기

2013년 03월 27일

2013년 03월 26일

체중: 지금까지 감소한: 남은양: 다이어트 실행도:
98.4 kg 1.4 kg 34.9 kg 적용하지않음

2013년 03월 21일

2013년 03월 17일

So I went out last night, I wasn't in the mood but my sister convinced me to go out, I had a couple of drinks and had a bit of a dance. It was a good night and I enjoyed myself. So hopefully tomorrow I shall hopefully feel that it is the start of a better week and I will be able to make more healthier choices that will lead me to hacing a weight loss.
I am enjoying making new buddies here and getting to know them, I appreciate the support I am getting and makes me feel that I am not alone. In the past I have joined a variety of weight loss groups, I joined, payed my money and went along for my weekly weigh in. Somehow though after a few weeks I didn't feel a knew anyone.
But I like the fact I can log on here no matter the time and read something that will keep me feeling positive and on track.
Anyway enough of my waffling I best get on and do something else.

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