2021년 10월 가입함

155.6 kg
지금까지 감소한: 18.6 kg

현재 체중
137.0 kg
성과: 주 0.3 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
86.2 kg
남은양: 50.8 kg
The photo is the once and future image, a goal of the process, not the current.

A Vietnam Veteran, should tell you my approximate biological age, but that does not reveal my youthful state, with wit and active mind, "awake" a successful entrepreneur who in the 1990's was a lead whistleblower who fostered the global awakening to the crimes of congressional, FDA and pharma criminal cabal and illuminated the now popular Federal Law of mandatory "Informed Consent."

As Founder and Chairman, of an Institutional Review Board, IRB, introduced nationally and internationally, Dr. Gaston Naessens, 714X harmless cure for cancer and degenerative diseases, for those who were able to cast off their fear and indoctrination, saved countless lives from certain death.

It's more than a clever pun to say I AM FED UP!

As for weight loss I am committed and have a contract with my Self to restore this form and re-gain my former shape and size even if I have periods of stall or seeming back peddling.

My Shaolin Master has a saying: " the only way to fail is to not start and not finish."

The Power of the Pen is still mighty, the world or government is the way it is because we allow it. however by taking action individually and working together we can restore and maintain our God given Rights and design the way we want it to be.

toanangel님의 체중기록


최근 잰 체중: 주 0.5 kg 증가하기 Up
Harapeko Keichan
최근 잰 체중: 주 1.4 kg 증가하기 Up
최근 잰 체중: 주 1.9 kg 감소하기 Down
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.5 kg 감소하기 Down

toanangel님의 최근 음식 및 운동항목

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