2013년 12월 가입함

128 kg
지금까지 감소한: 3.4 kg

현재 체중
124.6 kg
성과: 주 0.0 kg 감소하기

목표 체중
95 kg
남은양: 29.6 kg
I'm 1.8m tall and when I started this journey weighed 130Kg. Ive dieted in one form or another for year. For the last two years I've gone to the gym lots, had a personal trainer twice a week, not often eaten potatoes, rice, pasta, white bread etc.................but I do drink a bit, ok quite a lot, but mostly on weekends or socially - and I do lead a very social life.

A friend recently told me about Michael Mosely, his TV show Eat Fast and Life Longer and the 5:2 diet and I felt finally here is the answer Ive been looking for for years. I started on Sunday the 1st of December 2013, I set some goals and I know Im going to stick to this plan because a...I believe in it, b...I know its right for me, far its easy and Ive really loved the fasting days. Sure its early days, but Im going to keep a journal, keep and truthful food and exercise diary, and my dust.

If I can help anyone here, sing out, we all want the same thing, to be healthy, happy, fitter and not be ashamed when we see ourselves naked in the mirror.

So now its nearly two months in and the first ten kilos are gone, IF is my way of life now, my health has improved in lots of ways and everything is working well with no major change to my lifestyle that I can't handle.

Kingstephen님의 체중기록


최근 잰 체중: 주 0.3 kg 증가하기 Up
(팔로워들만 볼 수 있음)
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.7 kg 감소하기 Down
최근 잰 체중: 주 0.6 kg 감소하기 Down

Kingstephen님의 요리책

칼로리: 96kcal | 지방: 5.43g | 탄수화물: 1.86g | 단백질: 9.76g
Egg Muffins
Breakfast muffins made from fried white mushrooms, grilled chicken and spring onions.
요리책 전체보기

Kingstephen님의 최근 음식 및 운동항목

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