TheLovelyMrsG님의 저널, 2016년 04월 13일


I'm am thinking this whole carb refeed day isnt great for me.... I have been having one spike day and then spend the rest of the days normal, except I feel like I am constantly dealing with the early issues of gaining ketosis.. Moody doesnt even cover it I mean I could cut a *itch, and that is completely not my personality. Constantly tired, constantly struggling to not carb it up, the cravings have been rough. I didnt have these issues while I was strict without spike days. I am not gaining, but am in a holding pattern lol. My mojo is no go right now.. (snarls). I am going to restart my initial strict ketoness this yoyo is driving me mad, I can not stay on task, maybe I need to space spike days like every two or three weeks apart.
I have a ton of stressful things that have been going on, but I am high stress performing artist, I handle stress like water off a ducks back, it isnt like me to feel or act this way. I want my cool, calm, and humorous demeanor back.

다이어트 캘린더 보기, 2016년 04월 13일:
1614 kcal 지방: 74.24g | 단백질: 29.88g | 탄수화물: 115.31g.   아침 식사: Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Coffee. 점심 식사: White BBQ sauce, Baby Spinach, Pace Pico De Gallo. 저녁 식사: Pizza Ranch Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza. 간식/기타: Champagne, Coffee, Tropicana Trop50 Juice (50% Less Sugar, Some Pulp), Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. 더보기

15명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

You can do this! 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: PokeyJack
I'm experimenting with the Up Day Down Day (Alternate Day Diet) and I find on the low calorie days I feel fine until anything in life goes less than well - then I'm easily angered and frustrated. I'm new to this so maybe it will pass. And maybe when the low calorie days are more than 500 cals. I will not be so emotional. 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: trackin64
Changing things up is sometimes great...and sometimes we learn what just doesn't work. For example, I basically do Bulletproof coffee in the morning and do IF between like 12:00pm-8:00pm because it suits my work schedule. I tried doing 24 hour fasts, super low calorie days, carb cycling, etc., but none of them really felt right for me. Trust your own process and do what works because ultimately it is about finding a plan you can stick with over the long term. Good luck. 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: HCB
I wouldn't touch carb reload with a ten foot pole. I bloat, get gassy and achy plus it makes me sleepy. Not worth it.  
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: nyhardhat
Thank you guys! Its been rough.. I literally feel pre-period allllll the time. I gave it a shot for the last month.. I am generally a very disciplined person so I feel so very off. I have a funeral tonight followed by pizza at the house.. so I will indulge and then fit my way back to Keto for hopefully the last time ;-P 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: TheLovelyMrsG
(pssst - just eat the toppings on the pizza....) 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: trackin64
I could but rather a moot point with the mimosas I'll be having lol 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: TheLovelyMrsG
Sounds like you've already figured out that the refeed is not for you...wishing you good luck on finding a groove that works for you. Pizza and mimosas sounds like fun....dangerous fun. :-) 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: Steven Lloyd
Perfectly illustrates why Calorie In/Calorie Out doesn't work for most people, the havoc caused by carb spikes makes it almost impossible to avoid falling off the wagon. People are holistic beings, perfect discipline is a lofty goal to aim for but realistically is just too easy to fall short of.  
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: 1point21gigawatts
I find structure much easier. I am a happier person for it. That doesn't mean I cant let loose... but letting loose alllll the time is what got me into this mess to begin with lol... Apparently I am a feast or famine kinda gal.. lol!  
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: TheLovelyMrsG
I tired the refeed in the past. It didnt work easily for me. Being primal and doing a refeed is so tough. Potatos and starches fill you up so quick I could barely get to 100g carb! 
2016년 04월 13일 작성이: Panigale1199



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