erikahollister님의 저널, 2023년 07월 13일

What's the big deal about seed oils? I always hear that they're bad for us, but I never really got it, until I watched this video. It's a game changer for me. It's long but there's a time-stamp table of contents in the show notes, but I ended up wanting to watch it all. It focuses on Macular degeneration, but it applies to all modern chronic diseases and obesity.

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Isn’t everything bad for us? 😂 
2023년 07월 13일 작성이: recompforhealth
Watching it Erika, anything about vision health piques my interest, I had to pause it to go cook hubby a yummy ham and cheese omelet and a small stack of pancakes...I sniffed about 30 calories, but nothing passed my lips LOL! no tummy roars either, so hunger is still dormant.....that's amazing to me that hunger can sleep while I saute onions, peppers and ham in butter then drown it in eggs and, nothing happened. Microwave pancakes, so nah 🤢 
2023년 07월 13일 작성이: debrafrederick
I'm glad I don't use seed oils, never have. I have always cooked with butter, olive oil, bacon fat and lard. It's how I was raised. 
2023년 07월 13일 작성이: debrafrederick
Actually we never cooked with olive oil, that started after I was grown, but we always used it to make salad dressing. 
2023년 07월 13일 작성이: debrafrederick
LOL, and now I see, I'm no longer eating processed foods but I guess I have been consuming gobs of seed oils when we eat out, thank goodness we don't do it often. Hubby does, but me not so much! 
2023년 07월 13일 작성이: debrafrederick
The eye-opener for me was the 6 year half life. The omega 6 fats get into your body and degrade it for years. I don't use them either, but my kids do and they think I'm a nut if I tell them that they are slowly poisoning themselves and their babies. 
2023년 07월 14일 작성이: erikahollister
Well, I'm on of the DUH! people I guess, I don't buy those oils to cook with, but I do use store bought mayo, hubby eats miracle whip, ranch dressing and green goddess dressings are the only store bought dressing we use...Right now....Prior to June 6th well, we had crackers, chips, pretzels, cakes, pies, icecream, name it, it probably had tons of seed oils in it, and you know I never paid attention when I was on a junk food binge. 
2023년 07월 14일 작성이: debrafrederick
Thanks for the link, will watch 
2023년 07월 14일 작성이: LadyinDenim
Harvard's School of Public Health says that there is no substance to the claims of seed oils being dangerous to your health. 
2023년 07월 14일 작성이: shirfleur 1
Many MD's and much research disagrees. It's highly processed food only eaten during this industrial food era. Seventy percent of our population is overweight, concurrent with the rise of these oils in our food chain. I'm opting to using the fats that humans used before this when there were fewer modern diseases. 
2023년 07월 15일 작성이: erikahollister
There is a lot of money wrapped into seed oils. Since the damage is chronic, and researchers aren't locking people in metabolic wards for 30 years seeing how sick they become eating junk "food," sellers will pick up the tagline, "correlation is not causation." Watch the video. It's hard to get through, but it makes some good points. I'm no carnivore, but I have not had canola or cottonseed oil in my home since I learned what a GMO was in 2009. Now, I am adding sunflower, safflower, and peanut oils to the list because I'm convinced. 
2023년 07월 15일 작성이: LadyinDenim
The fields are sprayed with glyphosate and the oils are processed with harsh chemicals; who needs that in our bodies!? 
2023년 07월 15일 작성이: erikahollister
My liver agrees. 
2023년 07월 15일 작성이: LadyinDenim



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