Harapeko Keichan님의 저널, 2021년 02월 28일

W: 45.7kg, F: 19.1%, M: 35.1kg

We wanted to eat out, but it still not allowed inside serving in LA county. I wanted to go somewhere because I spend time inside everyday. We drove up to Palm Springs yesterday. We didn’t do anything special, but I felt good to see outside. We had a late lunch at Morongo. ( We didn’t play at casino)

I ate beets salad with chicken. My husband ate pork chops.
45.7 kg 지금까지 감소한: 0 kg.    남은양: 1.7 kg.    다이어트 실행도: 합리적.
주 1.4 kg 증가하기

53명이 응원합니다    응원하기   

sounds fun. just getting out is always great even if you don't do much. great looking meal too.  
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: HeBrewZ
To Hebrews1036: Thank you for your comment. Yes! Going out is fun, but I am kind of afraid of going out alone now since someone threw me a trash from his car when I was waiting at signal during walking. COVID-19 pandemic has brought down a suffer to Asian people who lives in US as well. Hope hate crimes will be disappeared forever.  
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: Harapeko Keichan
I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with such hate Hara. This world can be such a cruel place. Just know, I am one who sees you as a human, as I am a human. If I get a cut, I bleed red blood, if you get one, you bleed the same. There is only one race, the human race. Sending support and love from Canada. ❤️ 🇨🇦 
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: wifey9707
So sorry that you are being subjected to hate, it is shameful. Please know that most people in the USA welcome you. Diversity is what makes America great.  
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: shirfleur 1
I apologize to you and your husband. These are very odd times. People have been extremely insensitive lately and for that I'm sorry. 
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: HeBrewZ
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: lonniehuffman
😍Makes me happy that there are such good people on FS. 
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: LaughingChevre
Nice that you could get out! I'm so sorry for hate crimes too. I for one am glad there is diversity! I wouldn't want the world to only have one kind of flower or animal or color. So why would anyone want people to all look the same?! Life would be too dull! I appreciate different cultures. It makes me very upset when people are mean and hateful to others. I truly hope and pray that you have better experiences in the future!  
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: bearnoggin
(((((hugs))))) So sorry that stuff happened to you. I pray that never happens again. 
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: kclab
To all of FS: Thank you so much for your warm words. I was too stunned to move and couldn’t understand what happened to me at that time. I wasn’t mad about it. I just learned that I have to be careful. I love living in USA! I enjoy FS community. Thank you all.  
2021년 02월 28일 작성이: Harapeko Keichan
I've said it b4 and I'll say it again...what the he** is wrong with people? A human being is a human being, color is not what makes us human! Kindness and love is what makes us good humans! Sending you hugs from Nevada! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 
2021년 03월 1일 작성이: Diana 1234
I live in Florida. I can’t imagine being coupled up and having nothing open. So glad you found a way to get out. We need that. 
2021년 03월 1일 작성이: fisherfarms1
I'm glad you were able to get away and enjoy a little bit of normal life in Palm Springs. I apologize for the idiot.  
2021년 03월 1일 작성이: Katsolo
Well done getting out of the house and enjoying the change of scenery. The destination matters less than the journey. Thanks for posting! And your food looks yummy, too!😋 
2021년 03월 1일 작성이: Babette Lou
Thank you all again. When I read comments from everyone, my eyes filled with tears. Thank you.. I think Covid-19 pandemic is good opportunity to think about the origin again. We have new month from today. Have a wonderful time and lots of smiles 😊. Thank you FS community! 
2021년 03월 1일 작성이: Harapeko Keichan



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