FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 09월 12일

Thursday and nothing truly important going on here so read on at your own leisurely curiosity. I'm going to just kick back here on the Lido deck of the Faith Cruise II and share another subtle change that has helped me with eating: separating hunger from craving and attending to both sanely.

Sometimes I just have a craving for 'something' but in my 'feast or famine' past I'd felt if I had 'any' I may as well 'have it all.' I've finally learned differently this time but it wasn't instantaneous. Sometimes my hobbies take my mind off food but other times it's the simpler things like folding the laundry, taking a long hot shower, changing bed linens or taking Mushy out to potty that distract me long enough that the cravings go away.

If they don't, I remember that the most sensitive taste buds are in the tip of my tongue. I don't need the whole pint of ice cream or bag of cookies to satisfy that craving. A friend shared research with me a while back that revealed the brain can only take the word 'NO' for so long. After the Great Mayonnaise Binge of 2012 I learned the rebel in me gets even in a big way so nip that action in the bud before it goes too far.

I feel 'that' part of mindful eating was the component that finally made sense. In the past I'd 'put the fork down in between bites' but had not grasped the logic that a bite wasn't 'half the potato'. I'd fill my mouth so full I'd have to cover it to avoid food falling out and chew for ever. Duh me.

Now, I take very small bites and let them linger on my tongue. I was reflecting on the 'a moment on the lips, forever on the hips' cliche this morning and wondered if that was what led me to quickly scarfing food. Put me in a pie eating contest and I'd have won every time for speed and quantity.

'If no one sees me eat, it really didn't happen' finally converted to 'the longer I pay attention to and savor what I'm eating, the better the memory of eating it will stay with me.'

So enough of that. Other things going on here with me besides food. Years ago I was held hostage at a Beef Cattle Seminar by DH and did my best to feign interest as the presenters droned on and on about analyzing the cow poop to determine if they are getting the maximum of their protein for rapid weight gain. The one psychobabble part of it all that I really did enjoy was 'how not doing the same thing the same way every time really wakes up the mind'.

For example, fold your arms over your chest. If you're like me, your right arm is on top. Now try to refold your arms the other way. Takes thought, huh? That little action actually wakes up the brain enough to be open to other new things.

So this morning I purposely tried to write legible in my journal in the event I ever want to reread it another day. That one act turned my brain on and I had a most brilliant 'duh me' reaction.

Ever since I retired I've been frustrated that paying bills was a pain because that 'stuff' was all on my full size laptop and I only had my netbook at my shop desk. This morning I thought 'well, stupid, put the full laptop on the desk... ' And I did. That came simply from the spark by changing my handwriting.

Now I'm struggling to re-adapt to the full keyboard (finally got that aggravating touch pad under control) but it's also making me focus a bit on this very pricey laptop that usually sits abandoned 29 days at a time. This one has all the bells and whistles. Why did I do that to myself? See? And DH really insisted that I get a new printer this morning (I put a framed photo of his hummingbird in his bathroom last night) so I'm going to look for 'wireless'. Yep, I'm sliding into the 21st century in a big way.. woohoo!

Sending this out to the universe: Puhleese let the folks at the photography club be genuinely nice and interested in photography (unlike that snooty gossipy painting group thing). I found one and with the recent renewal of my shutterbug interest I'm planning on going to the group meeting Monday night.

That's it. That's all I got. Hope you're all having a great day and thank you for reading.



I always read your journal and forum posts and enjoy them and take something valuable away for my day. So, thank you. I loved the hummingbird pic from yesterday, very nice, definitely made me smile. Here's hoping for no snooty, gossipy painting group-type foolishness at the photography club! 
2013년 09월 12일 작성이: bebegunn
It's funny how I do things backwards from most people - comes from being a lefty. I cross my left arm on top. Playing games, especially word games, helps the brain make new connections, too - or so I've heard. Funny how you were using the notebook more than the full size laptop. My hubby had to convince me that a 15.6" laptop was big enough - I was holding out for a bigger one. I'm glad I didn't get the bigger one for portability sake but it speaks to how my brain is wired that bigger is better. Maybe that carries over into food, too. Hmmm. Good luck with the photography club. Let's hope it's a completely different crowd from the painting clique. I love my wireless printer. It used to scare the poop out of me before I had my laptop and was stuck in the office with the desktop computer. My daughter would print something from up in her bedroom and the printer would jump to life unannounced right beside me. I'm sure it shaved a year or two off my life! LOL. 
2013년 09월 12일 작성이: evelyn64
Great insights! Hope the photography club turns out to be a ton of fun! 
2013년 09월 12일 작성이: Mary in LA
Hi Bella! Hoping all are interested in photography tonight..lol You know I can't write anymore since I have been typing for years...don't know what happened but can't even sign cards well or address envelopes...lol Hope you are having a great evening!!!! I am going to go now and check out your forum posts.. 
2013년 09월 12일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Hi Bella, I hope the photography club works out for you. And isn't it funny where 'insights' come from? I tried the cross the arms thing and you are right, it is difficult to do it differently. I am right handed yet I cross my left arm over the right - not earth shatteringly enlightening but definitely made me go - mmmm??? :) I love your journals, always so much 'meat' in them, so to speak. You have learned so much on your journey this time. Wish I felt the same. I get down on myself at times because I feel like I haven't learned anything, and keep doing the same old dumb things to myself. Oh well a work in progress, right? And I have the rest of my life to get it 'right'. TGIF and hugs xxx 
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: sarahsmum
@Bebe - thank you - I just start writing, occasionally check for typos and let it rip. I'm happy anytime I can make someone smile.  
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
@Evelyn - yeah, I keep doing those number puzzles over and over; relaxes me and I solve many issues subconsciously while doing them. You know.. the wireless printer could have been giving you a cardio workout getting your heart rate up like that, LOL.  
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
@Mary - thank you - I do too. I'll try to bite my tongue through at least a couple of 'who do you know's and 'are you any body important' type conversations ... maybe they'll take a hint and just get back to the photography.  
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
@Cathy - I had a nice evening; I was able to catch some really cool shots of a monarch butterfly - sad little thing, huge & beautiful but someone has bit 1/4 of it's right wing off. I blame my bad handwriting on arthritis but there is a synaptic connection between brain & hand that calls for getting off the keyboards time to time.  
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
@Isabel - yep.. the rest of your life. I realize so many of my journals come off as delusions of grandeur but I am just trying to balance against the negative thoughts I play over & over in my own head; seeing those words in writing doesn't help me get them out of there the way it does others. I hoped to hear from you today; I'd been concerned my comment came across with the wrong tone. You are such a lovely woman; I was just sticking up for you :-) 
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: FullaBella
Bella, I don't think your journals sounds like delusions of grandeur at all. I love your journals. and I didn't take anything you said the wrong way, doubt I would, I know you love me :) And right back at you. You are so kind in what you say to me. I printed of one of the first pm's you sent me and look at it often, it uplifts me. I just get so pissed off at myself and the world. Maybe there is a place for happy pills in my future too :) 
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: sarahsmum
I just discovered your journal a few days ago and I've been reading it in pieces. You make me laugh and you remind me to think about things, sometimes in a different way. Delusions of grandeur is a relative term...I prefer to think of it as positive thinking! hehehe 
2013년 09월 13일 작성이: notjune1
My wireless printer is my new favorite toy. I can sit in bed and send the messages on my laptop and hear the magic next door...then I go pick up my pile. I just love it. Your journals and comments always encourage and offer calories free food for thought. 
2013년 09월 15일 작성이: sharonfriz



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