FullaBella님의 저널, 2013년 08월 13일

Another Anniversary. I actually began my current weight loss journey on 8/25/12 but there was an event that led to me taking the first step. Following is the letter I wrote to DH's vascular surgeon this morning:

Dear Dr. G,

Let me begin by reassuring you DH is still alive and with us and continues to be under the care of Dr. J.

This letter is about me. I want to thank you for the role you served in saving my life.

I hear that health care professionals often feel they are talking to the wind or wonder if they have any effect on people. You did for me.

You may not remember commenting on my appearance when you saw DH during his regular office visit a year ago today. You asked me if I had a doctor and if I'd had my cholesterol checked lately.

I scheduled my physician and consented to have lab work done (rather than refusing as I had in the past). As you suspected my cholesterol level was very high; as was my blood sugar. My physician immediately prescribed a medication for the cholesterol and scheduled a follow up test for the blood sugar.

The cholesterol medication had horrid side effects on me (abdominal spasms). I was laying on the floor in pain and had a conversation with myself about the direction I was heading. I began changing the way I ate and on the two week follow up visit with my physician asked I if I could try to improve my lab levels with healthy eating and increased activity rather than medication. She consented to give me 90 days without the medications to show improvement.

Within 90 days I'd lost 50lbs and my labs were improved. A year after that day in your office, I've lost 110lbs and my lab levels are perfect (for a woman my age). While none of this has rendered me immortal it has definitely had an improvement on my daily quality of life.

When people ask me 'what was the ah-ha moment that inspired you to lose the weight?' I respond 'it was my husband's vascular surgeon voicing concern about my health. Apparently the noticeable weight gain had reached the point where he felt he needed to find a kind way to comment about the unhealthy affect it was having on my appearance.'

So, again, thank you. You touched and improved my life that day. First you saved DH, now me. Bless you.




[stands up and applauds] That's beautiful!!! 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: Mary in LA
Wow, I'm a nurse and this letter has encouraged me first, to have a healthier lifestyle and eating habits, and get the weight off. So when I encourage my patients to eat well and exercise more, I will have a testimony to tell them they can do it! 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: marquitasimon
Absolutely lovely! 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: crabby Kat
Love the letter!! 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: erika2633
Wonderful...he will be so happy...it is what Doctors to go Med school for...to help people and save lives...Congrats to you Bella. You have done beautifully.. 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: chattycathy1955
Beautifully done Bella. And congrats on such an awesome change.  
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: sarahsmum
BRAVO! Loved the letter...thanks for sharing it! 
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: jsfantome
Happy Anniversary! You have come so far & inspire so many! You write like & truly are an Angel! Beautiful letter! Xoxox  
2013년 08월 13일 작성이: Ruhu
Great letter Bella. Hope he's as impressed with you as we are. That should really make his day when he reads that. 
2013년 08월 14일 작성이: cjmurph
Awesome..you could be the poster child..let us know if you here from him..I would love to know what he says...:O) 
2013년 08월 14일 작성이: BHA
Thank you all for the very kind comments. I really couldn't figure out WHY he (Dr.G) popped into my head but he did and then I started counting back and went OMG the Universe is telling me to pay attention again. He is a very healthy person himself and I'll admit, I do listen to people who walk the talk. I've known him for six years now and been with DH through several serious surgeries. At the time of the 'first' surgery I was on the beginning of my regain of a 100+ loss in my 40's and while I'm sure 5-10lbs would not have been so noticeable I obviously looked quite alarming for him to talk to ME about my health, even as subtle as it was. Sometimes I hear the universe...sometimes I have my headphones on too loud. I was lucky that day. I really don't consider myself the poster child of anything other than 'massive weight regain gal' - while I don't wish it on anyone else, I really hope to be taken off the poster this time. Maybe we can just consider that little club disbanded? 
2013년 08월 14일 작성이: FullaBella
Dr.G phoned me today. He said he loved my letter although it almost made him cry. He was thrilled for me and thanked me for writing. 
2013년 08월 22일 작성이: FullaBella
Ps - I did not put my phone number on the letter to him so he actually had to put out the effort to phone which impressed me as well. 
2013년 08월 22일 작성이: FullaBella
Very cool!! I knew it would make his day! 
2013년 08월 22일 작성이: erika2633
That is so great!!! 
2013년 08월 23일 작성이: Mary in LA



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